Wirehaired Pointing Griffon dog
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon dog is intelligent hunting dog, Wirehaired Pointing Griffon dog is very famous breed, Wirehaired Pointing Griffon dog is a good swimmer and works great as a retriever.
Griffon dog breed originated in the period of rapid development of biology in the last quarter of the XIX century. A few years before the Austrian abbot Mendel published his findings on heredity, and the youth of Western Europe with enthusiasm broke new science. It was at that time EK Kortals, the son of a wealthy Dutch banker, began to breed dogs who were destined to become a new breed of hunter. In 1874 he bought seven years of gray-brown female griffon named Mush, which worked perfectly and in thickets, and in the field.
Over the next three years Kortals bought five dogs: Janus, Hector, Satan, Juno and the Bank. Janus had long-haired, Juno - short-haired, and the rest - wire-haired.
The first positive result gave binding Hussar, wire-haired dog of Mush and Janus longhair, shorthair with Juno, The litter was a bitch with a bristly hair than others, she was named Truve. Then Truve mated with the Bank, and from there went Moustache, I, Kerida and Lena - three dogs, from which, as a general statement, there are better lines of the new breed.
Although the origin of the griffin the dog, without a doubt, the Dutch, it is usually considered a French breed because she later developed in France. Distribution of interest in the wire-griffin or, as it is called in France, griffin Kortalsa linked with the constant traveling young breeder who carries out assignments French nobleman, the Duke Pentevra. Kortals never forgot about his hobby and, wherever they are intimate company, strongly praised the virtues of his breed. He argued that the griffin the dog has a diligent, albeit leisurely search. His admiration for the sharp scent dog and its ability to find and hold the prey was contagious
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon dog
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon puppy is smart and playful dog, Wirehaired Pointing Griffon puppy can coach you on any game.
Later Kortals moved from Holland to Germany, where he resumed breeding work. In 1879 he bought a new producer, Donna, with fairly long hair. Its double-knit with Mustafa Hashem I, and two females from their offspring, and Kleretty Wow, revealed the desired properties. Six years later Kortals received at the time of a bitch named Vesta, whose offspring also proved to be very successful. Vesta was a wire-haired, and all its descendants consistently had the type of coat.
Although experts are still some doubts about the pedigrees of the first dogs that participated in the creation of rock (called "patriarchs Kortalsa"), most of them believed that the wire-haired Gryphon bleeds setter, spaniel and otterha-Unda. It is known that some of the "patriarchs" refer to dogs as described in the book "The Origin of the Wire griffin" as real Griffins, they originate from an ancient breed of hound-griffin. We also know that produced at least one crossing with Poynter and certainly it was a German wire-haired pointer (drathaar).
In Kortalsa had extensive acquaintance among hunters in Europe, he has consistently attended all major field trial dogs. Later, he constantly took part in exhibitions, popularizing its own type of griffin dog.
The Wire griffin first exhibited at an exhibition in England shortly after the breed originated, and it attracted enormous attention. Nevertheless, it is not in a separate group, and only a few years later in 1888, the name of the breed is found in the documents of the exhibition Barn Elms. After 12 years of wire-haired Griffin has appeared in America. The first dog registered by the American Kennel Club was Zoletta, Room 6773, from Guerra and Tambour. Registration was carried out under the name "Russian Setter (Griffin)" in the 4 th volume Studbook, published in 1887. Father, Gerrit, was the great-grandson of Donna. Thus began the American history of the breed.
Wirehaired Griffon is particularly adapted to hunting in the marsh, where his coarse wool is excellent protection. He is a good swimmer and works great as a retriever. Breed enthusiasts claim that it can coach you on any game.
Griffon dog
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon dog
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon dog can be well trained, dedicated and friendly hosts.
Wirehaired Griffon. Official Standard
Approved October 8, 1991
General view. A dog of medium size, with a noble head, tightly built, designed to work in any area where people can hunt on foot. Moves gracefully in the cat style. Shows excellent results and as a setter in the field, and as a retriever in the water. Wool is a tough and rough, in any case not curly or wavy, with a dense undercoat, which consists of fine downy hair, gives the dog groomed appearance. Well trained, dedicated and friendly hosts, making it a universal favorite. Griffon dog many consider the best Retriever.
Growth, proportion, composition. Growth. Height: Males - 56 - 61 cm, females - 51 - 56 cm Standard height is very important. Dogs tall strictly rejected. Proportions: Length of body slightly longer than the height at the withers. Index prolixity - 10:9 (PO). Height is measured from the withers to the ground, the length of the body - from plechelo treacle-junction to point of buttock. Griffin should not have square format. Addition of a strong, reflecting the ability to work on any terrain.
Head is proportional to the total addition. Skull moderately broad, the distance from the nose to the transition from forehead to muzzle the distance from the transition from forehead to muzzle to occiput. Calvaria slightly rounded, but in profile the muzzle and head are rectangular in shape. Go Stop and occiput weakly expressed. Thick mustache, sideburns and eyebrows give a friendly face expression. Large eyes, wide open, rather rounded than elliptical, with a lively, alert and friendly expression. Eye color varies from yellow to various shades of brown. Third eyelid imperceptibly, the eyes should not be prominent. Ears of medium size, flat, close to head, set at eye level. Nose to wide-open nostrils, brown. Scissor bite.
Faults: Overshot or undershot.
Disqualifying faults: Nose any color other than brown
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon dog
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon dog is strong and well muscled, Wirehaired Pointing Griffon dog is active and intelligent.
Neck, Topline, Body. The neck is fairly long, slightly
arched, without dewlap. Topline strong and firm, slightly sloping from
withers to base of tail. Chest deep - up to the elbows. Not too broad,
but not narrow, guaranteeing the free movement of limbs. Ribs
moderately convex. The loin is strong, strong, medium length. Croup
and rump are strong, long enough so the dog could develop a good speed.
The tail continues to topline. The dog carries it horizontally or
slightly higher. Docked to one third or half of its original length.
Forequarters. Shoulder blades are long, oblique. Forearms are straight when viewed from the front parallel to each other when viewed from the side of the elbow directed posteriorly and close to the body. Pasterns slightly sloping. Fifth fingers should be removed. Feet are round, firm, with tightly clenched webbed fingers. Pads thick. Hind limbs. Thighs long, well muscled. Angulation in balance with angulation of forequarters. Placed parallel to each other, hocks turning neither in nor out, neither inside. Stifle and hocks are well-defined angulation. Paws - as in forequarters.

Wirehaired Pointing Griffon dog
Coat with undercoat, which is one of the hallmarks of the breed. Guard hairs of medium length, straight and hard, in any case not curly nor wavy. Rough structure of wool prevents dog from adverse conditions. Undercoat consists of a thin and thick fluffy hair, which serves as a heat insulator and is water repellent. The undercoat is more or less lush, depending on the season, climate, and hormone cycle dog. Color of undercoat usually lighter. On his head - sticking out his whiskers and mustache (mandatory). Fur on their ears mostly short and mild, mixed with longer and more bristly coat. At the touch less rigid than the hair on the body. Front and rear legs are covered with thicker, shorter and less coarse hair. On the tail coat is the same as on the body, suspension is not allowed. The dog must be exposed in its natural form, cutting and trimming are only permitted around the ears, crown, cheeks and legs.

Wirehaired Pointing Griffon dog
Color is preferred to steel-gray with brown spots - often chestnut-brown or chalymi - or white-brown, also allowed the white-orange color. Brown, white or white and orange colors - less than desirable.
Movement. Although griffin dog works in close proximity to the host, it should move freely, quickly and straightforwardly. This is a dog of medium size with well-coordinated movement of fore and hind limbs. At the trot, they converge under body towards the center of gravity. Both front and hind limbs are submitted far in advance. When observing from the side line of the back remains firm and straight. All movements are smooth and powerful.
Temperament. Gryphon Kortalsa - dog active and intelligent. He is easy to train, sociable and reliable, loyal boss. This is a wonderful house dogs and loyal assistant on the hunt.
Nose any color other than brown. Black coat color
Forequarters. Shoulder blades are long, oblique. Forearms are straight when viewed from the front parallel to each other when viewed from the side of the elbow directed posteriorly and close to the body. Pasterns slightly sloping. Fifth fingers should be removed. Feet are round, firm, with tightly clenched webbed fingers. Pads thick. Hind limbs. Thighs long, well muscled. Angulation in balance with angulation of forequarters. Placed parallel to each other, hocks turning neither in nor out, neither inside. Stifle and hocks are well-defined angulation. Paws - as in forequarters.
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon dog
Coat with undercoat, which is one of the hallmarks of the breed. Guard hairs of medium length, straight and hard, in any case not curly nor wavy. Rough structure of wool prevents dog from adverse conditions. Undercoat consists of a thin and thick fluffy hair, which serves as a heat insulator and is water repellent. The undercoat is more or less lush, depending on the season, climate, and hormone cycle dog. Color of undercoat usually lighter. On his head - sticking out his whiskers and mustache (mandatory). Fur on their ears mostly short and mild, mixed with longer and more bristly coat. At the touch less rigid than the hair on the body. Front and rear legs are covered with thicker, shorter and less coarse hair. On the tail coat is the same as on the body, suspension is not allowed. The dog must be exposed in its natural form, cutting and trimming are only permitted around the ears, crown, cheeks and legs.
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon dog
Color is preferred to steel-gray with brown spots - often chestnut-brown or chalymi - or white-brown, also allowed the white-orange color. Brown, white or white and orange colors - less than desirable.
Movement. Although griffin dog works in close proximity to the host, it should move freely, quickly and straightforwardly. This is a dog of medium size with well-coordinated movement of fore and hind limbs. At the trot, they converge under body towards the center of gravity. Both front and hind limbs are submitted far in advance. When observing from the side line of the back remains firm and straight. All movements are smooth and powerful.
Temperament. Gryphon Kortalsa - dog active and intelligent. He is easy to train, sociable and reliable, loyal boss. This is a wonderful house dogs and loyal assistant on the hunt.
Nose any color other than brown. Black coat color
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