Alaskan Malamute dog
Alaskan Malamute dog is a rescue dog, Alaskan Malamute dog is fast and running dog, Alaskan Malamute dog loves people, especially children, who enjoy riding and dog sledding.
Alaskan Malamute, one of the oldest Arctic sled dogs, was named after the tribe malemut which selilos on the shores of the Strait of Kotzebue in the western part of Alaska. Long before Alaska became a possession of the United States, Russian, opened this Arctic region, called it "Alashka" or "Alaska", meaning "large tracts of land." When the Russian whalers hunted in the Bering Strait, the storm washed up on this earth, there were already living the local tribes. Upon his return, the sailors told stories about "people who used dogs to pull sleds.
The origin of these people is unknown. We know that they lived in Alaska for many generations, but where they came from remains a mystery as the origin of other Arctic nations.
Alaskan Malamute dog
Among specialists in the Arctic, there are different views on etomu.povodu. Some believe that during the glacial period Asia and Alaska put together the isthmus, as Greenland and Labrador, perhaps Alaskan tribes and the Labrador Inuit came to this earth using draft power of dogs. Others argue that the relocation came from the Hudson Bay area to the east and west, and others - that the Greenland Norse colonized, have taken root there, and people came to Alaska from Asia. We only know that the observed arctic dog breeds, and those that lived in Alaska, now called Malamute.
Alaskan Malamute dog
Talking about race malemutov, travelers always mentioned their dogs. One of the writers, who visited Alaska in the early period of colonization, wrote: "malemutov are beautiful in appearance and very hardy dogs. They can travel hundreds of miles away ... care for them better than the other Arctic dogs. Missionary, have done thousands of miles on a dogsled, writes: "Although [the mallet-muty] - uncivilized tribes, they realized how important it is to have a good sled dog, and that without them, travel to these places is impossible. These dogs seem powerful, they have a dense, thick and hard coat with a fluffy undercoat outlying close to the body, erect ears, gorgeous fluffy fox tail, brushed over the back, waving like a feather in his hat, and solid legs. Color varied, but mostly wolf-gray or black and white. "
Alaskan Malamute dog
Alaskan Malamute breed dog- loving, friendly dog, and she loves all the people around, not just the owner.
Alaskan malamutes almost never lost the purity of the breed. During the gold rush in the Klondike sled sled competitions have become so popular that conducted various experiments with crossing local breeds with imported, and the period from 1909 to 1918 was a period of "decline of Arctic sled dogs." Fortunately, the sport has evolved in the U.S., and since 1926, after careful consideration of all the local sled breeds, the restoration of the purebred Alaskan Malamute. And he still holds many records.
Alaskan Malamute - native Alaskan Arctic breed, cousin of the Russian Samoyed, Siberian Huskies and Eskimo dogs of Greenland and Labrador.
The breed was registered with the American Kennel Club in 1935. It's popular among those who enjoy riding the sled dog as a sport. Malamute loves people, especially children, who enjoy riding and dog sledding.
Alaskan Malamute dog
Alaskan Malamute. Official Standard
Approved August 10, 1982
The general form and characteristics. Alaskan Malamute - a powerful, harmoniously built dog with deep chest and strong, compact body, with abundant, rather long hair, with a dense, fluffy undercoat with 2,5 - 5 cm He firmly and confidently stands on the feet, indicating that high energy dog, her interest and curiosity. The head is broad, wedge-shaped ears, stand straight up and down if the dog is alert. Muzzle volume, only slightly tapering to the nose, medium length. Malamute moves with her head held high and eyes alert. Markings on the forehead and face - feature dogs. They consist either of a mask, either from the "cape" on his head, interrupted at the muzzle, solid color, usually grayish-white. Often found a combination of "capes and masks. Abundantly covered with long, feathered tail with a suspension of dog is raised over the back, not a "fox" and not in a tight ring, but rather as a waving feather.
Color Malamutes varied, but usually wolf-gray or black and white. Paws-type snowshoes, sturdy and strong, with bulky pads that look solid and compact. The forelegs are straight with strong and powerful skeleton. Hindquarters - broad and powerful with moderately angulated knee. Back straight, slightly sloping from withers to croup. The loin is not so short or narrow to obstruct the lungs, without tiring motion. Stamina and intellect are visible in the shape of a dog. Due to the slightly oblique hocked eyes - they look like wolves, but their expression is soft, reflecting the friendly character.
Temperament. Alaskan Malamute - loving, friendly dog, and she loves all the people around, not just the owner. This is a faithful companion, who willingly take part in games, but he grew up, usually impresses with its dignified bearing
Alaskan Malamute dog
Alaskan Malamute puppy is friendly and intelligent, Alaskan Malamute dog is faithful companion, who willingly take part in games, but he grew up, usually impresses with its dignified bearing.
Head indicates a high degree of intelligence. Wide and powerful, when compared with other malamute local species, but the proportional size of the dog that did not look clumsy or crude. The skull is broad and slightly arched between the ears, tapering to the eyes, rounding out his cheeks, which should be moderately flat. Frons slightly convex. Between the eyes lies a shallow groove, the transition from forehead to muzzle slightly pronounced straight, smooth. The muzzle is large and the volume in relation to the skull, slightly tapering to the nose. Lips dry, tight, nose black. The upper and lower jaws broad with large teeth, the front incisors interlock with the bottom in a scissor bite. His eyes are brown, almond trees planted struts are relatively large. Preferred dark-colored eyes. Ears of medium size, but compared to the head appear to be small, triangular, slightly rounded at the ends, spaced far apart and backwards, and the outer edge of the base of the ear is level with the outer corner of my eye, so erect ears set on low. The ends of the ears are slightly tilted forward, but while the dog can push the ears posteriorly.
Faults: Overshot or undershot, high set ears.
Neck strong and slightly arched.
Corpus. Chest strong and deep, building a strong and compact, but not shortened. Back straight, slightly sloping to the croup. The loin is muscular and not too short to hinder easy, rhythmic movement with a powerful push the hindquarters.
Vices: a long waist, obesity.
Scapula, the limb. Scapula oblique, the front legs with a massive bone structure, muscular and straight. Pasterns short, strong and almost vertical when viewed from the side. Paws are large, compact, arched, fingers pressed tight, pads thick and firm, nails short and strong. Between the toes, protecting them from the snow, growing hair.
Hind limbs. Thighs broad, powerful and muscular, the angle of the knee joint is moderately expressed, hock a broad and strong, with moderate angle of articulation, the lower is omitted. When viewed from the rear hind legs straight, in a rack and movement, they are flush with the front limbs.
Limbs Malamute must indicate unusual and tremendous momentum. Dewclaws on the metatarsus should be removed shortly after the birth of the puppy.
Faults: weak hind limbs; narrow or too wide in the rear limbs.
The tail is set on either high or low, continuing the line of the top, rather bushy. When the dog is not working, she carries it over the back, waving a pen.
Flaws: twisted into a ring, pinned to the back, a short "fox" tail.
Wool is plentiful, hard to the touch, weatherproof. The undercoat is dense (2,5 - 5 cm), a well-oiled skin with fat and fluffy. Hard coat is separated from the body and the neck forms a dense "collar". The top coat can vary in length from short to intermediate to the sides, until a longer around the withers and neck, back and rump, as well as trousers and tail - suspension.
By the summer months Malamutes usually fade and hair becomes shorter and less frequent.
Faults: long, soft fur
Alaskan Malamute dog
Alaskan Malamute dog has loose legs, any sign of weakness of limbs, weak pasterns, straight blades.
Color and markings. Colour pure white, light gray to
black, with white spots on the underside of the body parts, limbs, feet
and part of the mask. On the head markings usually take the form of
"capes" and / or masks. Allowed white "star" on his forehead and blaze
on the muzzle and / or white "collar" or spot on the nape.
Spots of different color or shades on the body highly undesirable.
Allowed saddle on the body, including hair permissible colors. Height and weight. Height: Males - 63.5 cm, females - 58 cm Weight: males - 38.6 kg, females - 34 kg.
When judging the performance of height and weight should not outweigh the common type of dog, its proportions and functional attributes, such as the withers, chest, legs and movement. Ceteris paribus preferred dog, approaching the size of the standard.
When judging Malamutes must first be made of their destiny as a sled dog and the ability to carry heavy loads. The examiner should bear in mind that this breed was designed to work in harness in the Far North and, therefore, has a massive bone structure, strong, sturdy, compact addition to the strong legs, deep chest, strong and powerful withers, straight, well-balanced movements and other characteristics necessary to perform its work. Malamutes are not designed for racing sled for speed, like other northern breeds.
Malamute sled dog as for the transport of heavy loads should have the strength and endurance, and any response (including temperament), which prevents the implementation of its work, should be regarded as the most serious flaw.
Alaskan Malamute dog
Flaws: loose legs, any sign of weakness of limbs, Cowhocks hindquarters, weak pasterns, straight blades, straightened angulation, any unbalanced motion, stilted gait, ease of addition, the ease of the core, rough or disproportionate addition and similar characteristics.

Alaskan Malamute dog
Spots of different color or shades on the body highly undesirable.
Allowed saddle on the body, including hair permissible colors. Height and weight. Height: Males - 63.5 cm, females - 58 cm Weight: males - 38.6 kg, females - 34 kg.
When judging the performance of height and weight should not outweigh the common type of dog, its proportions and functional attributes, such as the withers, chest, legs and movement. Ceteris paribus preferred dog, approaching the size of the standard.
When judging Malamutes must first be made of their destiny as a sled dog and the ability to carry heavy loads. The examiner should bear in mind that this breed was designed to work in harness in the Far North and, therefore, has a massive bone structure, strong, sturdy, compact addition to the strong legs, deep chest, strong and powerful withers, straight, well-balanced movements and other characteristics necessary to perform its work. Malamutes are not designed for racing sled for speed, like other northern breeds.
Malamute sled dog as for the transport of heavy loads should have the strength and endurance, and any response (including temperament), which prevents the implementation of its work, should be regarded as the most serious flaw.
Flaws: loose legs, any sign of weakness of limbs, Cowhocks hindquarters, weak pasterns, straight blades, straightened angulation, any unbalanced motion, stilted gait, ease of addition, the ease of the core, rough or disproportionate addition and similar characteristics.
Alaskan Malamute dog
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