понеделник, 22 юли 2013 г.

Ibizan Hound dog

Beautiful Ibizan Hound dog walking outdoor
 Ibizan Hound dog

Ibizan Hound dog is a gentle dog, Ibizan Hound dog  is a loyal dog, Ibizan Hound dog is a hunting dog, Ibizan Hound dog is a beautiful dog.
History about Greyhound goes to about 3400 BC. er. The splendor of ancient Egypt was the most suitable frame for this regal greyhound, which hunted the pharaohs.
Numerous objects found in tombs of pharaohs, confirm the existence of this dog in ancient times. Hemako, who reigned during the First Dynasty (3100 - 2700 years BC. Er.), Was buried in a tomb near Saggary. During its excavation it was discovered many things, among them - a dish featuring ivisskoy greyhound.
These dogs, which are also called Greyhounds Galgo, can not be confused with anyone else because of their distinctive appearance. Nevermat of the Fourth Dynasty, who lived around 2600 BC. er., Tuta-hamon of the XIV century BC. er. and Ptolemy of the 30 th and last dynasty had a tomb, which gave further evidence of the glorious and ancient family of the Greyhound.
The last ruler of the era of pharaohs in Egypt, Cleopatra was a passionate fan of galgo. Discovered in 1922, the tomb of Tutankhamen was the treasury. Found in the full-length statue Anibusa "Guard dog dead, revered as a deity, was an exact copy of the current ivisskoy greyhound. This well-preserved statue was covered with resins and varnishes. The eyes were made of obsidian (volcanic rock variety, Black I and mirror-smooth) and gilt framed, like the inside of the ears, on the statues was a beautiful gold collar. Time I did not ruin the beauty, and it is obvious that the model for the statue would serve as only a dog such as Greyhound - with erect ears and a crescent tail, now known as Ibizan Greyhound

Ibizan Hound dog

 Ibizan Hound dog
Ibizan Hound dog is easy trained dog, Ibizan Hound dog is a smart dog, learning quickly dog, Ibizan Hound dog has a friendly temperament.
Initially thought that the model served as a jackal, as the time of excavation Ibizan Greyhound in these places died. We can only guess which way this breed came from Egypt to the island of Ibiza. Daring Phoenician sailors in those days have made far diving and traveled in many lands. It is possible that its survival required them to this breed. It was the Phoenicians in the VIII or IX century BC. er. discovered island now known as Ibiza. Now tot island belongs to Spain, but in his time he passed out | Nruk hands. They ruled the Egyptians, Chaldeans, Carthaginians, Romans, van Dala and Arabs. On Roman coins depicted the head ivisskoy boron. Belonging to the Balearic group, a small island Konedzhera also has a right to their historical glory hook as it was born the famous Hannibal. They say that Ibizan Greyhound accompanied him with a mighty elephant in a long passage through the Alps.
This breed survived the harsh conditions Pitiuzskoy group of islands, where he could survive only the fittest, as the food there was not enough. Local residents used these dogs as assistants in the extraction of essential life-sustaining food. As a result, these hardy dogs have learned to hunt with great skill and patience. Dog owners carefully culling of puppies, because in such harsh conditions could survive only the strongest and most perfect.
We should be grateful to these owners and breeders of times past, because of their dedication possible to preserve this breed for centuries.
Today it is as strong, graceful and vigorous animals, as in the times of the pharaohs.
First Ibizan Hounds hit the United States in mid-1956. In Rhode Island, they were brought Seoan colonel and his wife. Hannibal (Stop) and Sertera (Tanith), caused a sensation, and soon became known that the fall will be the first on-
Hasdrubal - the Carthaginian general, Hannibal's brother.
met. As a result, the first matings were produced 8 puppies, 4 males and 4 females (Asuncion, Malkus V, Denia, Eulalia, Granada, Mago, Giske and Sertorius), along with several other imported dogs they were breeding fund breed in the United States.
Since ivisskie greyhounds live in the U.S., and all who had to deal with them closely, appreciate them merry companion, domestic, guard and hunting dogs.
They are perfect for families, for the ever-changing American lifestyles. They have a balanced character and excellent health. By their addition, they are extremely strong and flexible.
Borzoi Club of America  constantly assures owners and breeders of this breed is as important to preserve in their entirety fine qualities of this dog, and the club is faithful to his promise to monitor its compliance with the standard
Cute Ibizan Hound dog-female

Ibizan Hound dog 
Ibizan Hound dog is a fabulous hunter, Ibizan Hound dog is a very fast runner, Ibizan Hound dog has strong muscles.
Ibizan Greyhound. Official Standard
Approved September 11, 1989
General view. Clear silhouette ivisskoy greyhound, big erect ears and a bright color gives it an unusual appearance.
This ancient hound - a hunting dog, mainly on the rabbit - bred for thousands of years primarily because of its working qualities.
Flexible and energetic, Ibizan Greyhound has the grace of deer in conjunction with the power of a hunting dog. Strong, dry and with strong muscles, with a balanced character. Except for the ears in it, nothing seems overdone or excessive. In the same way, quick as best of breed greyhounds, while it has no equal in agility, the ability to jump high and long. She is able to jump without a running start at a very high altitude.
Height, weight, proportion, composition. Height: Males - 60 - 70 cm, females - 57 - 66 cm in height deviations above or below these are not considered a vice, if the dog is perfectly folded. Average weight: males - 22.7 kg, females - 20.4 kg. Proportions: Length of body slightly longer than the height at the withers. Addition: the backbone of the dry, thin. Muscles are strong, flat, without a massive and rude.
Head long and narrow, in the form of a truncated cone. Thinly carved and is extremely dry.
Overall impression: ivisskaya greyhound looks elegant, like a deer. Slanting eyes and small, their color from amber to light brown = V?g?, intelligent, lively and inquisitive expression. Eyelid in the tone color of the nose or partially pigmented. The ears are large, pointed, not cropped. When alert ear should not wrinkle, bend, bend. Very mobile ears, may, in accordance with the mood of the dog to be directed forward, sideways or turned back. When alert, the lowest point of their base is at eye level. If viewed from the front, the height of the ear is approximately 2.5 times greater than its width (at the widest point of the base).
Skull long and flat, occipital protuberance bulging, transition from forehead to muzzle weakly expressed; eyebrows narrow. Muzzle elongate, slender, with very mild hump. Length of muzzle equal to length of skull. Lines of the muzzle and skull are parallel. Nose is large, protruding, pinkish flesh-colored and is in harmony with coat color. , Incomplete pigmentation of the nose. Nostrils wide open. Lips thin, tight, dry, matching the color of the nose. Scissor bite, the teeth are strong, incisors are located in one line.
Flaws: black or liver nose
Cute male Ibizan Hound puppy playing outdoor
Ibizan Hound dog
Ibizan Hound puppy loves to play, Ibizan Hound dog has a balanced  moods, Ibizan Hound dog is an  excellent companion.
Neck, Topline, Body. Neck long, slender, slightly arched and strong, covered with flat muscles. Topline: Straight. The back is straight and strong. The chest is deep and long, sternum appears sharp keel. The edges are slightly convex. The sternum is located approximately 6.5 cm above the elbow. The deepest part of the chest behind the elbow, around or near the elbow. Abdomen slightly tucked. Loins slightly arched, of medium width, well muscled. The croup is slightly sloped. The tail is low set, moving, dropped to or below the hock. The dog holds his sickle, ring, or saber in accordance with the mood and structure. Forequarters. Angulation moderate. Scapula moving on is not free. Vanes sloping. Plechslopatochny angle almost straight. Elbow located at the deepest part of the chest and tightly pressed against her, but the motion in it are free. Limbs: upper arm are long, strong, straight and dry, close-set. Skeleton thin. The pasterns are strong and resilient, slightly sloping with well developed tendons. Fifth fingers may be removed. Feet long. Fingers are long, well-knit and very strong. The gaps between the fingers are covered with hair. The pads are strong. Claws white.  Hindquarters. Angulation moderate limb substituted under the body. Thighs are very strong, covered with flat muscles. When viewed from the rear shank straight. Skeleton thin. No dewclaws. Paw - like forelimbs.
Coat. There are two types of coat (both without cutting):
Shorthair - the shortest hair on the head and ears, the longest - at the back of the thighs and under tail;
wire-haired - wool length 2,5 - 7,5 cm, allowed long and thick mustache. Wool longer on the back, back of the thighs and tail.
Both types of wool rigid in structure and are the same.
Color white or red (from bright, yellowish-red ("lion") to dark red), solid or in any combination. Coloring or drawing equivalent.
ELIMINATING FAULTS: any color other than white or red.
Free movement, light and graceful footsteps (tightrope walker). Hovering trot folded joints when viewed from the side. In ivisskoy greyhound smooth vymah forward and push the corresponding hind limbs, and it seems that it glides over the ground, barely
touching her.
Temperament. Calm, gentle and loyal dog. Have versatile abilities and easy to learn, which allows it to be an excellent companion, as well as on display at exhibitions and to act in various competitions. In the casino, shows a sharp instinct, great tenacity and endurance.
Any color other than white or red

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