Irish Red Setter dog
Irish Red Setter dog is an active dog, Irish Red Setter dog is an intelligent and aristocratic dog, Irish Red Setter dog is a fast hunter dog.
Irish setter was first attracted attention in the early XVIII century. However, almost one hundred years later reputation as a hunter has firmly established him not only in his native Ireland, but also in the British Isles. The arguments about its origin nothing more than guesses. In the ancestors of the Irish Setter enroll many breeds, but none of them can not with certainty on this claim. In particular, there is a perception that this breed originated from crossing the Irish Water Spaniel Irish terrier, but more reliable, it appears that participated in the creation of the breed English Setter, Spanish Pointing Dogs and Pointer. There is in him and bloody Gordon.
American Irish Setter Club chose the name of the breed "Irish Red Setter" to indicate its place of origin. Nevertheless, the ancestors of these dogs rarely have a solid color. The vast majority of them were red-white, often in color prevailed white. Even today in the British Isles and Europe, many individuals have discontinuous color.
However, in America, recognize only the Irish Red Setter dog red dog or red with small, not conspicuous white spots. Bright, mahogany coat is the hallmark of the breed. Largely due to his setter has now become everyone's favorite.Setter solid red color in contrast to the red-spotted first appeared in Ireland in the XIX century. Dzheson Hazzard, Sir St. George Gore and graph Enniskillen - all the conclusions of the red dogs. Are there any documentary evidence that the graph of Enniskillen held in his kennel only such. After several years of Stonehenge, said: "Blood-red, bright chestnut or mahogany color - that color vysokoporodnyh dogs. This suit should not be mixed with black and in bright light should not be observed in dark shades, especially black fringe on the ears and in tow. " Stonehenge is not in vain mentions black, it can mean bloody Gordon. Today, this color is emphatically rejected in color Irish setter. Even a few black hairs are on the "vice.But enough talk about the Irish Red Setter dog appearance of an Irishman, proceed to the more important characteristics
Irish Red Setter dog
Irish Red Setter dog looks proud, Irish Red Setter dog is easy trained dog with friendly temperament.
Irish Setter primarily hunting Retriever. The first dog was brought to the United States for hunting game. Despite the fact that the American species of grouse and grouse were completely unfamiliar to them, Irish setter immediately showed its best side. Elko, brought in 1875, one of the first won for themselves and their posterity the reputation of excellent hunters. He is not only a huge success was presented at the exhibitions, but also, being superbly coached, worked perfectly in the field. Quoting Hokuolta. In his book "Modern setter, he writes:" In all, without exception, reports on the first field trials, we find evidence that the Irish setter, showing the "blue blood", spoke confidently. If at one time lovers Irish Setter continued work on the breed, he is today, no doubt, would occupy a high place in the field trials, not yielding to the other two species. Under them, of course, refers to the English setter and pointer. However, fans of the Irish Setter breed is not improved, at least in terms of field quality. As a result, Pointers and Setters Lyuelina held on field trials all the prizes. Nevertheless, Irish setters have not lost non-working qualities Retriever and opportunity to demonstrate their hunt for all kinds of game.How strange, but wonderful appearance and character have rendered a disservice to the Irishman: the beauty, vitality, courage and personality have made him an ideal show dog. For this reason, many breeders are tempted to grow dogs only for exhibitions, sacrificing their primary mission, which does not preclude either its color or size or composition.
And one more word - about the nature of this breed. First of all, it is typically Irish, it does have some sort of recklessness, which not only gives the Irishman extremely attractive, but also makes it indispensable when working on rough terrain and heather bushes. This Irish Red Setter dog is a bold, decisive and a dog at the same time soft, loving and loyal. It is hardy and can work tirelessly under difficult conditions.
He has strong legs and balance disorders. He almost never "offended" when corrected in this work. Development of the Irish Setter can not be called early. Often it has to train for longer than other breeds of hunting dogs. His biggest drawback for field trials is a lack of independence - it draws too much attention to the owner. In response to accusations that the Irish Setter develops slowly, it is fair to argue that, once having coached in the bird, he remembers it for life and requires no additional annual nataski. If you have got an Irishman, you can be sure not to part with him for many years and will always be proud of his looks, personality and working qualities
Irish Red Setter dog
Irish Red Setter dog is fast hunter and at the same time elegant dog, Irish Red Setter dog is a great family dog.
Irish setter. Official Standard
Approved August 14, 1990
General view. Irish Setter - an active, aristocratic appearance Retriever sufficiently strong addition and at the same time elegant. Height at the withers - more than 60 cm It has a smooth, silky, shiny hair, long on the ears, chest, tail and rear legs. In the Irish setter is presented as a fast hunter, at home - soft, easily trained companion. Irish Setter is so harmonically complex, that artists have called it the most beautiful breed of dogs. Dogs with correct conformation and in the rack, and the move is always perfectly balanced. Each part of the body of a dog without stopping sight smoothly flows into another.
Growth, proportion, composition. Abnormalities in growth are not considered disqualifying. The most important is the overall harmony of the addition. Ideal for exhibitions are considered the height at the withers: males - 68.5 cm, females - 63.5 cm Weight: Males - 32 kg, females - 27 kg. Deviations in either direction within 2.5 cm not taken into account.
Proportions: Length of body slightly larger than the height at the withers.
Addition: of course strong, with strong bones. Addition of dogs large and strong, but without coarseness, females are smaller, but not too light.
Elongated head and dry for at least two times longer than the distance between the ears. The Irish Red Setter dog beauty of the head emphasizes the elegant lines of the muzzle, the front of the skull and jaw. Expression of the eyes is good, but cautious. Eyes almond shaped, medium sized, wide-set, not deep set nor protruding. Eye color from dark brown to hazel. Ears set well and low - no higher than eye level. Thin, falls neatly folds, tightly adhering to the head, stretched forward, some do not reach the nose. The skull oval when viewed from above or from the front, in profile slightly convex. Eyebrows raised and form a distinct transition from forehead to muzzle at an equal distance from the nose to the marked trowel (occiput). Thus, nearly level line from occiput to the eyebrows, is located just above and parallel to the topline of the muzzle. Muzzle moderately deep, jaws of nearly equal length, the bottom line of the muzzle is parallel to the topline of the muzzle. Nose black or chocolate, the nostrils wide open. Edge of the upper lip square. Lips. Teeth meet in a scissors bite, where the upper teeth fit snugly to the bottom. Allowed to bite
Irish Red Setter dog
Irish Red Setter dog has short and soft coat, Irish Red Setter dog is very dynamic and graceful.
Neck, Topline, Body. The neck is medium length, slightly arched, strong but not coarse, without suspension. Its base is gradually merges with the body. Topline from withers to base of tail elastic, slightly sloping, croup should not be abruptly truncated. The Irish Red Setter dog tail is a continuation of croup as a harmonious extension of the topline. Strong at the base, pointed to a close, direct or saber form. Along the length of a bit does not reach the hock. The dog's tail is almost back line. Housing is long enough to provide a broad, free running. Chest deep, reaches approximately to the elbows, with a moderately developed sternum, which is slightly out ahead. Forechest narrow and does not obstruct the movement of the blades is formed over ribs. Lumbar strong, muscular, of medium length.

Irish Red Setter dog
Forequarters. Shoulder blades are long, wide, sloping, fairly close agree to the withers. Shoulder and shoulder blade approximately equal in length, articulated at an angle sufficient to elbows are directly under the withers. The elbows move freely without twisting or outside, nor inside. Forearm are straight and sinewy. The Irish Red Setter dog pasterns are strong, almost vertical. Feet small, very strong, arched and tight. Hindquarters. The croup is broad and powerful. Thighs strong and muscular, long. Hind legs long and muscular from hip to hock. Hocks are short and steep. Knee and hock joints, which, like the elbow is not turned inside or out, or inside, have a pronounced angulation. Paws - as in forequarters. Angles of front and rear legs must be balanced.
Irish Red Setter dog
Coat. The Irish Red Setter dog coat is short and soft on the head and forequarters. In other parts of the body - is moderately long, smooth. Feathering on the ears long and silky on the back of the legs - long and soft. Beautiful fringe on the belly and lower chest passes to the front of the chest. Suspension on the tail - the average length is gradually shortened to an end. Wool, including tow and Suspension - straight, without undulation and curls. Irish Red Setter dog setter to the show trimmed to emphasize the dry head and a clear line of the neck. Cut the top third of the ear and throat almost to the sternum. Excess hair on the paws clean, to demonstrate the natural contours of the feet. Grooming is performed to preserve the natural lines of the dog.Color mahogany or bright chestnut red with no black inclusions. Allowed small patches of white on his chest, throat and legs, or blaze on the skull.
Irish Red Setter dog
Movement. Trot movement broad, very dynamic and graceful. On an expedited lynx head slightly pushed forward, improving the balance. The Irish Red Setter dog forelegs are submitted far ahead, "podgrebaya" under the earth itself, but without bending the wrist. Hindquarters repel smoothly and powerfully. When observing from the front or rear pasterns and hocks are moving perpendicular to the ground, increasing the speed they converge under body towards the center of gravity. Features of the structure, preventing the direct, correct movements, marriage
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