четвъртък, 25 юли 2013 г.

Saluki dog

Large white Saluki dog, Saluki picture, saluki image, Saluki dog, breed dog
 Saluki dog
Saluki is a breed of dog - large elegant and beautiful dog, Saluki dog is dog for hunting. Saluki dog breed is flexible and well muscled.
Saluki - dog rulers of Egypt, probably the oldest breed of domesticated dogs, some historians identify it as "a special breed and type, known since 329 BC. er. when Alexander of Macedon conquered India. "
This breed is considered on an equal age of the earliest known civilizations. This assertion is based on the fact that hunting dogs, which can be seen at the ancient carvings, much more like the Saluki, than any other breed: they have a body with a Greyhound "burqa" in the ears and feathering on the tail and limbs. Exactly the same hound is depicted on Egyptian tombs of 2100 BC. er. and more recent excavations of the ancient Sumerian empire, which belongs to the 7000 - 6000 years BC. er. discovered carvings dogs strikingly similar to the Saluki.
Claim that "when you meet in the Bible the word" dog "- it means a Saluki." Although the Mohammedan religion considers dogs "unclean" animals, the Muslims declared holy Saluki dog and called it "noble" given them by God for fun and in "good". It allows Muslims to eat meat, obtained with its help in hunting.
Saluki was the only dog ??which was allowed to sleep on the carpet in the tent of the sheikh. These dogs are prized so highly, that after death their bodies are often embalmed as a body themselves pharaohs. Therefore, in the ancient tombs of the Upper Nile have been discovered the remains of numerous dogs.
As residents of the desert nomadic lifestyle, home to Saluki was the entire region from the Caspian Sea to the Sahara, including Egypt, Arabia, Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, Anatolia and Persia.
Naturally, in such a vast region of dog differ somewhat from each other - mostly on the growth and wool. Therefore, the Arabian Saluki smaller than the Persian variety, and has a less pronounced feathering on the legs and ears.
Three Salukis were first brought to England in 1840 - these were: female, owned by Sir Hamilton Smith, male, living in the Zoo Regent's Park, and the dog, which belonged to the Duke of Devonshire in Chasuorte. Then they were known as the Persian Greyhound, since all three dogs came from Persia

 running saluki dog, champion saluki dog, runner dog, Saluki dog racing
  Saluki dog
White Saluki running dog on the track
However, this interest has emerged since then as the Reverend Florence Amherst in 1895 brought the first Arab Saluki of the Nursery Prince Abdullah in Trans-Jordan.
England later learned more about the Salukis to their troops, visited the East during the First World War. They brought the dogs home as war trophies or gifts from a friendly-minded tribes.
Because of the extraordinary agility Salukis were used primarily by Arabs in order to drive the gazelle, the fastest of the antelopes. Preserved records that cops went out hunting on horseback with falcons on the sleeve and the Salukis on a leash. It is believed that these dogs were also used to hunt jackals, foxes and hares. Published in 1852 engraving depicts the hunting of wild boar in Algeria, with the active participation of the Saluki.
In England, these dogs are widely used in the hare, and regular competitions where judges take into account the dog's ability to make quick turns and in the shortest time to catch the hare. Saluki mainly hunts "on-sighted", although it has a great flair.
In England and the continent are very popular sports races of these dogs on a special track, with a mechanical hare and obstacles.
Saluki different sharp-eyed, and often wake up in her ancient instincts - • She loves to lie on the sand and watching an eagle soaring in the sky, not paying any attention to this tea. Dog-Saluki Sharon Dhol soon after his arrival in America hunted the fox for a few seconds after it said its prey.
At home, in the steppes, this dog is not spoiled. She lives in harsh conditions, where survival of the best fit, which is why she has such a strong constitution and the constitution, allowing withstand any climate in the unheated kennels. Paws at the Saluki solid and strong, and well-protected fur between the toes. How much would a dog or ran on a very rocky ground, she never hurt paws or fingers
Its beauty is like a thoroughbred horse: the same grace and harmony of forms, chiseled and elegant lines. By its nature, a Saluki is very attached to his master, though not showing his tender feelings. It's a good guard dog, but not aggressive.
Saluki was already well known in England long before it appeared in the United States. American Kennel Club officially recognized the breed only in 1927.
Saluki. Official Standard
The head is long and narrow, skull moderately wide between the ears, flat, transition from forehead to muzzle is not expressed. Nose black or liver. Ears are long, covered with long silky hair, hanging along the skull, moving. Eyes from dark to hazel, with intelligent expression, large and oval, but not protruding. Teeth are strong, straight bite.
Neck long, flexible, well muscled. Chest deep and moderately narrow.
Forequarters. Vanes sloping, muscular but not coarse. Legs straight and long.
Hindquarters strong, the iliac wide apart, the angle of the knee joint is moderate. Hocks are low, indicating that the strength of the canter and jump
Elegant Saluki dog on the beach, Large brown Saluki dog, Image of Saluki dog
  Saluki dog
Elegant Saluki dog on the beach
Back and loin. The Saluki dog back is fairly broad, slightly arched loin.
Feet medium length, long fingers and arched, not splayed, but not "cat" (round). Feet strong and flexible, with thick fur between the toes. Tail long, set low, with a natural curve, the lower surface is covered with abundant long silky (but not shaggy) hair, which forms the suspension.
The Saluki dog coat is short and tight, smooth, soft and silky to the touch. The limbs are small tow, on the back of the thighs. Sometimes slightly wavy, and long on the shoulders and hips.
Color white, cream, fawn (tan), gold, red, roan and tan, tricolor (white with black & tan-lym), and black and tan.
 Saluki dog
 Saluki dog
General view. In general, this breed should give the impression of grace and harmony of addition, speed and endurance coupled with strength and energy Saluki dog, allowing overtaking gazelles or other prey, chasing her through deep sand or rocky mountains. Expression of the eyes should be gentle and dignified, with a serious, devoted and watchful eye Saluki dog.
Height: Males - 58 - 71 cm, females may be much smaller (typical for the breed).
Smooth variety. The same standard, except for the coat, which has no decorating hair

Rhodesian Ridgeback dog

Three cute Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies in basket, Rhodesian Ridgeback breed dog, puppy,
 Rhodesian Ridgeback dog
Rhodesian Ridgeback is a breed of dog, dog for hunting, Rhodesian Ridgeback is hound dog from Africa, Rhodesian Ridgeback is strong, muscular and energetic dog
Rhodesian Ridgeback, which is sometimes called the African lion hound, comes from South Africa. This dog brought the Boer farmers to hunt in the African wilds.
The Dutch, Germans and Huguenots who emigrated to South Africa in the XVI-XVII century, carried with a Great Dane, Mastiff, Greyhound, Bloodhound, terriers and other breeds of dogs. Beginning in 1707, immigration from Europe ended a hundred years, and the native dogs played an important role in creating Ridgeback in its final form.
Hottentots (Native nation, who lived among these early settlers) had a semi-hunting dog, on the back which had a crest of growing ahead of wool. These dogs were crossed with dogs, the settlers, and was formed as a result of the tribal fund current Ridgeback (ridgeback - literally "back with a comb).
In those days of good hunting dogs almost was not, their cost was high. Boer settler needed a dog that could have raised quail, to drive a wounded animal, protect farm animals from predators and nocturnal thieves, the dog to withstand harsh African conditions with extreme temperature changes and able to for days without water.
He needed a short-haired dog, resistant to diseases transmitted by ticks, as well as the companion dog that would protect him during the nights in the bushes and was betrayed by the family. By necessity, the Boer farmers created by breeding a breed characteristic of the African steppes - Ridgeback.
In 1877, the priest Helm brought two Ridgeback in Rhodesia, where their remarkable ability to hunt for the lions could appreciate such well-known big game hunters, as Celoni, Upcher, Van Roen and others.
The hunters started breeding them, carefully preserving their exceptional working abilities, with the crest on the back was a characteristic difference between this breed - its "brand".
Large male Rhodesian Ridgeback dog, Rhodesian Ridgeback near to the lake, Muscular dog, Hound dog
  Rhodesian Ridgeback dog
Rhodesian Ridgeback Male dog around the lake
In 1922 a group of Rhodesian breeders set the standard, which has since remained virtually unchanged.
Several vysokoporodnyh dogs imported into the United States in 1950, and in 1955 this breed was entered in the register AX.
In a relatively short time Ridgeback their working qualities gained fame in the U.S..
He chistoploten, silent, requires no special care and is not engaged in a fight. Ridgeback easy to train, obedient, affectionate, has a good-natured character and loves children - these qualities win the hearts of dog-increasing number of fans Ridgeback.
Rhodesian Ridgeback. Official Standard
Approved in November 1955
The peculiarity of this breed is the ridge on the back, which is formed from the hair growing against the main wool. This crest - «ridge» - a characteristic feature of the breed. It must be clearly distinguishable, tapering to the grits and be symmetrical.
It begins just behind the shoulder blades and goes speakers to the iliac. At the crest of blades form two identical curl against each other. The bottom edge of the navel should not go down more than one-third of the ridge.
General view. Ridgeback - strong, muscular and energetic dog harmonious composition, possessing great endurance and agility
Muscular Rhodesian Ridgeback male dog siting, Rhodesian Ridgeback breed dog, hound dog
 Rhodesian Ridgeback dog
Rhodesian Ridgeback Male dog in the Wood
Head long enough, the cranial vault is flat and fairly wide. When the dog is in a quiescent state, the head should not be a wrinkle. The transition from forehead to muzzle well defined. Muzzle long, deep and strong. Jaws strong with well-developed teeth, especially teeth, bite the line. Lips dry, tight to the jaw. Eyes moderately well apart, rounded, with an attentive, calm and intelligent expression. The color should blend in with the color of the dog. Ears hanging close to the head, set rather high, medium size, rather wide at the base, tapering to a rounded end. Nose black or brown, respectively color. Other colors are not allowed. When a black nose - dark eyes, and brown - amber.
Neck and shoulder blade. The neck is strong, without dewlap. Vanes sloping, muscular, which is indicative of playfulness
Adult Rhodesian Ridgeback Male Dog with red strap, hound dog, large dog, elegant dog, dgo for hunting
  Rhodesian Ridgeback dog
Rhodesian Ridgeback dog on the beach
Housing, back, chest and waist. Chest not too broad, but very deep and volume, ribs moderately sprung, not barrel (which would indicate a lack of agility), a strong back, loin strong, muscular and slightly arched. Limbs and feet. The forelegs are perfectly straight, strong, with strong bones. Elbows close to the body. Feet are compact, arched, round, with a strong and resilient pads are covered with hair that grows between the toes and pads. Hindquarters well muscled, lean, with angulated. Hocks are low.
The tail is thick at the base, gradually tapering to an end. Supplier is not too high nor too low, the dog should keep him with a slight bend forward (saber), but not curled into a ring.
Coat. The coat is short, thick, straight, tight and glossy, but not coarse and curly, not silky

Otterhound dog

Otterhound dog

 Otterhound dog
 Large Otterhound dog posing for picture, Otterhound breed dog, hound dog, large muscullar dog, dog
  Otterhound dog
Otterhound is a breed of dog  with natural wool, Otterhound dog is a great hunting dog, muscular and intelligent dog
Although there is mention of the hunt for otters and Otterhound (otterhound - literally "on the otter hound") relating to the time of King John, who ruled England from 1199 to 1216, the first description of the dog constituted a flock otterhaundov appeared only at Edward II (1307 - 1327). Fortunately, this description was made by William twistor, hunter. He describes them as wire-type dogs - "between the beagle and terrier."
Hunting otters never belonged to the main types of hunting in England, but apparently there was a very long time. First, it involved because the otter too actively exterminating the fish in rivers and streams, and later she gained popularity due to the fact that it was the only kind of hunting, from April to September.
Flowering otterhound in England came in the mid to late XIX century. In those days there were 18 - 20 flocks that are regularly hunted the entire season. The most famous in the number of otters has been caught flock Honourable Jeffrey Hill of Hokstouna that from 1870 to 1890 dealt with the 704 otters. Yet all the experts agree that the most well-trained bunch otterhound ever hunt in England was a flock of Klitroe Skvira Lomax. It was at the height of his fame otterhound, about 1868. Skvira was an ardent supporter of strict observance of rules of the game, and although its results are also interested, he turned the focus on how the work of his pack. They say that the dogs were so well trained in what to listen to the lightest wave of the hand.
Otterhound origins shrouded in mystery, but the earliest authors put forward a number of logically substantiated opinions about its origin. According to Stonehenge, the ancestors are otterhaunda southern hound and Welsh harier, as evidenced by the fact that otterhoundo was very much in Devon - the main stronghold of southern hounds - and in Wales
Large Otterhound outdoor picture, long-haired hound dog, elegant dog, rescue dog, intelligent dog
  Otterhound dog
Long-haired Otterhound breed dog
The most acceptable opinion expressed E. Buckley, who attributes the wool otterhound a water Spaniel (a somewhat different type than the currently known species) and courage - a bulldog. Other authors mention the Bloodhound, arguing that domed skull, and long ears. In fact, Turbervil, who chronicled the hunt for otters back in 1575, makes no distinction between the Bloodhound and otterhaundom.
One of the most reasonable is the view of French origin otterhaund made by Marples, who, in describing otterhaund, said that it is almost an exact copy of the old vandeyskoy hound. These two species are similar in coat and addition. o- a large dog height of 61 - 68.6 cm, weight 34 - 52 kg. He has a hard, dense and oily hair, which allows him plenty of time in the water. The combination of blue and white colors have always been preferred, but in the range of colors of this breed many shades of black and tan. Otterhaund excellent swims in the water and move him to help webbed feet.
The main focus has always been given the working qualities otterhaunda, and exhibitions in England, this breed was not well known. Still, some owners of large flocks sometimes sent several dogs at major exhibitions. Flocks of Carlisle and Kendall were known for their show dog.
In the United States otterhaundy first appeared around 1900. Their debut at the show held in Claremont, Oklahoma, in 1907. There is evidence of registration otterhaundov, these were two dogs that belonged to HS Wardner from New York. It so happened that Wardner was one of two exhibitors in 1907, and certainly it was he who was the first American breeder.
Although otterhaund never enjoyed wide popularity in the United States, his intelligence and character have won him many loyal friends. Lack of physical beauty is compensated by its working qualities and trouble-free devotion to his master
Otterhound Dog playing in the garden, Large hound dog, muscullar dog for hunting, dog
  Otterhound dog
Otterhound dog playing outdoor
Otterhaund. Official Standard
Approved May 9, 1989
General view. Otterhaund - a big haired hound with an imposing head, his face tells about the enormous strength and independence and a strong body and sweeping motions are well suited to work throughout the day. He has a very keen sense of smell, and he looked recognize smells.
Otterhaund pursues its prey on land and in water, and therefore it needs a combination of features that are not found in other hounds - the most remarkable thing in it hard, double coat and webbed feet are strong.
Otterhaund should not be punished for what they show in working condition: lean, muscular, with a natural (untidy) wool.
Any deviation from the items listed below should be considered a fault and the seriousness of which corresponds to the severity of this deviation.
Height, weight, proportion, composition. Height: Males - 61 - 68.6 cm, females - 58 - 66 cm Weight: males - 34 - 52 kg, females - 29,5 - 45,4 kg. Format otterhaunda slightly stretched, the length of plechelopa-tochiogo junction to point of buttock slightly longer than the height at the withers.
Otterhaund pretty massive, but not rough, with strong bone and muscle relief. Harmonicity addition, endurance and breed more important than growth.
Head large, rather narrow, thickly covered with hair. The dog in height at withers 66 cm distance from the nose to the occiput should be 28 - 30 cm, with the muzzle and skull should be approximately the same length. Expression of the eyes open and good-natured. Deep-set eyes. The third century, almost not visible. Dark eyes - the color and edging eyelid margins consistent coloring dog. Dog with black nose and black eye rims should be more dark eyes, and dogs with hepatic or gray-blue color can be hazel eyes. Ears - an essential feature of this breed - long, hanging and folded straw (cutting edge formed or curled like drape - in a lock). Ears set low, at eye level or below, held tightly to his head stretched forward, reach the tip of the nose or go for it, covered with dense hair. The skull is long, rather narrow, slightly convex. The transition from forehead to muzzle weakly expressed. The muzzle is square, not pointed, powerful jaws, pendulous lips. When viewed from the side lines of the muzzle and skull are parallel. Nose: large, dark, fully pigmented, nostrils wide open. Jaws strong, capable of crushing grip. Scissor bite is preferred

Otterhound dog with strong body and sweeping motions, Hound dog, rescue dog, large dog, guard dog
 Otterhound dog
Special intelligent hound dog- Otterhound breed dog
Neck, Topline, Body. The neck is powerful, smoothly into the sloping, long blades, so the dog could walk on the trail. The neck is covered with thick hair, may be poorly expressed in suspension. Topline from the withers to the base of the tail is straight. Chest rather gluf Bokaya than wide, comes up to the elbows, oval, with long false ribs. Loin short, broad and strong. The tail is highly placed on a slightly Steep croup. Long tail reaching to the hock joint or below. Thick at the base and tapers to an end, has a suspension. In the motion and the excitation has a tail aloft - a saber, but not over the back, at rest the tail is down.
Forequarters. Withers stressed, blades oblique, with moderate angles of shoulder and elbow joints. Legs with strong bone, straight, strong, slightly sloping pasterns. Fifth fingers may be removed. Paws are large, broad, compact, rack, but are able to blossom, when the dog swims. The pads are thick and deep, with arched toes and between them have membranes that allow to dissolve his paw.
Hind limbs. Femur and tibia are large, broad and muscular. Stifle moderately expressed, hocks are clearly marked, are low, turning neither in nor out. When viewed from the rear limbs are parallel to each other. The knee and hock angulation should ensure removal of the forelimbs and push back. Dewclaws usually removed. . # A / w are the same as the front.
COAT is an essential feature otterhaun da. Quality of wool is more important than its length. Guard hairs thick, rough-* Of special and hard, wiry. Softer hair on his head and 'g lower legs. Length
Very important waterproof short and thick undercoat, but in the summer months it sheds, but the hips and shoulders. Ears are covered with thick and long hair, a tail with a suspension. Groomed, natural wool, long enough, no suspension and tow typical desktop otter hound. In the coat of hunting dogs should be visible hard guard hairs and dense undercoat. Demonstrate otterhaunda in its natural form, it is necessary to comb the hair - she should comb, but not bald.
Flaws: soft to the touch Wool, lack of undercoat, coat a 15 cm (as when wet it becomes heavy).
Color. Allowed any color or combination of colors. Nose should be dark and fully pigmented - black, liver or gray-blue, depending on the color of the dog. Color the edges of the eyelids should be in harmony with the color of the nose.
Free movement, with removal of the forelimbs and push back. Movements are smooth, light - a dog can run through a distance of many kilometers.
For otterhaunda typical careless, clumsy gait, which is immediately transformed into a loose, sprawling, vigorous trot with outstretched head. Gallop smooth, with a very broad vymahami. Otterhaund puts limbs on one line in the tracks, at small velocities.
Otterhaundy not raise the legs high above the ground and are able to "drag" when walking or on a slow trot. Demonstrate otterhaunda be on a long leash

Norwegian Elkhound dog

Cute Norwegian Elkhound puppy picture, hound dog, Norwegian Elkhound puppy on the table
 Norwegian Elkhound dog
Norwegian Elkhound is a breed of dog, hunting dog, Norwegian Elkhound dog has the courage, agility and endurance, Norwegian Elkhound - a bold and energetic dog, good guard, but usually friendly.
Comrade Vikings guard lonely farms and hamlets, shepherd and protector of wolves and bears, the eternal hunter and companion brave travelers - Norwegian Elkhound has reached us through the over six thousand years, preserving the purity of all of their Nordic features of this fearless and friendly dog, faithful man, and hunting. On it we read in the sagas, her remains found next to the host Vikings and his weapon - a true testimony of respect, which she enjoyed Vpeschere Vist near Yaerena, in western Norway, was found the skeleton among Elkhound stone implements in the archaeological layer relating to the 4000 - 5000 years BC. er.
'Dog are selected and bred for its working qualities, acquired its distinctive style in a natural way. She does not prescribe any form: it does not cram in any pre-devised standard, its structure and rare beauty, like a thoroughbred horse, emerged because of the natural features of residence. Every physical characteristic is the expression of specific needs. Its compactness, strength of muscles, square format and size are a true expression of the requirements of nature to the dog that day after day to hunt from dawn to dusk on the terrain where you want more endurance than an extraordinary rate.
Although many countries Elkhound know and love, probably in the first place for his charm and sensitivity in relation to man, for reliability and ability to quickly learn and adapt to any conditions and circumstances, we should not forget that he was always matchless hunter big game.
Many years ago, still bears were carried out in Norway, but today they have almost disappeared, and the local breed is mainly used for hunting elk. One hundred years ago, the Englishman Captain Lloyd, an excellent hunter and author of the fascinating books in his spare time was a description of bear hunting in Norway, and since then everyone who had a chance to see how the Elkhound in the woods at home, to join his praise of the dog
Large Norwegian Elkhound dog, guard dog, rescue dog, Norwegian Elkhound is big large long-haired dog
 Norwegian Elkhound dog
Large male Norwegian Elkhound dog
Sensory organs Elkhound developed almost to intuition. We often read, but if you're lucky, and see himself as an experienced dog distinguishes between the smell at a distance of three - five miles or light poskulivaniem lets you know your master that they scare the elk and let him run at a time when feelings of the person can not catch no sign, on which a dog is found. It applies to moose. Knowing full well that moose can outrun her, she keeps the animal is simply barking attract his attention. Often elk away before the hunter arrives, making their way over rough terrain. Dog, assuming that elk again soon stop if it does not sound spugnet or vats, quietly and very gently in the wind follows its prey before Sheaf not overtake her. After a while the moose began to irritate a small animal, not giving him a rest, and he attacks the Elkhound, making wide sweeps of its huge horns and trying to hit her with his terrible hooves. But now Elkhound, which due to its short back can "jump like a ball," as Aaflota just cleverly bounces off these attacks, a loud and barking furiously to his sonorous voice could hear the host.
Norwegian Elkhound dog
  Norwegian Elkhound dog
Elkhound is well adapted to hunting on any four-game, and soon became an expert on the trot, pume and raccoons. Sir Henry Pottinzher argues that Elkhound to the same excellent stalking fox. He also says: "There is no sure way to get close to the capercaillie, grouse and other forest birds than with a dog of this breed on a long leash, holding it in your hand or fastened to a belt and put the dog in front of the hunter."
Elkhound extremely versatile dog its abilities developed through constant communication with a man in search of game. To participate in exhibitions, he began only in 1877 when the Association of Norwegian hunters held its first exhibition. Shortly thereafter, were tested issued earlier genealogies, established the first manufacturers, published studbook (Norsk Hundestambak) and made standard. Prior to that, there was an intermediate type of the variety of dogs in different parts of the country, but if we look at pictures of famous dogs, pride Studbook, which is famous as the ETSI Bems Graham (Old Bems belonged consul Graham), we see that there already exist all the essential elements of modern show dog, and they just need a little improvement, sanded
Long-haired Norwegian Elkhound dog on the river, Gourgeous Norwegian Elkhound dog
 Norwegian Elkhound dog
Muscular Norwegian Elkhound dog on the river coast
By the end of the century the breed has developed rapidly, and although truly large nurseries were not enough, there were many experienced breeders that is committed to improving the Elkhound, and when the Norwegian Kennel Club (Norsk Kennelklub) established its annual exhibition in Oslo, the Elkhound has a large contribution of Norway breeding dogs. Since Elkhound increasingly trafficked to other countries, and his friendly disposition, intelligence, fortitude, dedication, desire to give pleasure, sensitivity and courage, confidence everywhere have won him popularity, which is increasingly supported by a companionable character than great hunting abilities .
Norwegian Elkhound. Official Standard
Approved December 13, 1988
General view. Norwegian Elkhound - hardy gray hunting dog. For its appearance - it is a typical northern dog of medium size and build, square format, with the short loin and harmonious proportions. The head is broad with erect ears, tail wrapped in a thick ring on the back. The typical gray adjacent thick coat. As a hunting dog, Norwegian Elkhound has the courage, agility and endurance, she is able to retain and not to allow themselves to elk and other big game, barking and agile attack, and endure many hours of sleuthing in all weather over rough terrain and underbrush.
Growth, proportion, composition. Height: Males - 52 cm, females - 49.5 cm Weight: males - about 25 kg, females - about 22 kg. Dog square format, with a short loin. The distance from the bottom of the chest to the ground is about half the height at the withers. Distance from humeroscapular joint to point of buttock equal to height at the withers. The backbone of a strong but not rude.
The head is broad between the ears, wedge-shaped, firm and dry (without excess skin). Expression of the eyes insightful, lively, indicating the great courage. The eyes are dark brown, medium size, oval, not protruding. Ears set high, strong and upright, but very moving. Relatively small, their height is slightly larger than the width at the base, with sharp (not rounded) ends. When alert ears turned forward, and their outer edges are vertical. When the dog is at rest or displaying his affection, the ears are tilted backwards, what needs to remember the expert. When viewed from the side of the forehead and the back of the skull is only slightly bulging, transition from forehead to muzzle is not sharp, but pronounced, the muzzle is deep at the base, gradually tapering to an end, but not pointed. Spin-T ka nose is straight, parallel and nearly equal in length to the skull. Lips tight, scissor bite
Adult male Norwegian Elkhound breed dog, hunting dog, long-haired Norwegian Elkhound dog, rescue dog
Norwegian Elkhound dog
Elkhound Hunting dog
Neck, Topline, Body. The neck is medium length, muscular, high-pitched, slightly arched, without dewlap. Topline is straight and strong from withers to base of tail. Housing is short and compact, most of its length falls on the chest. Chest deep and moderately wide, comes up to the elbows, ribs protruding. Loins short and broad, slightly convex. Tail Set high, tightly curled into a ring, carried over the center line of the back. Covered with dense hair, with no suspension, natural and uncut.
Forequarters. Scapula oblique, elbows under the withers. Limbs placed under the body, medium length, with a strong but not coarse bone. Seen from the front legs are straight and parallel to each other. The pasterns are strong and slightly sloping. Feet rather small, slightly oval with tightly closed toes and thick pads. Feet turning neither in nor out.
Hind limbs. Angulation of knee and hock moderate. Thighs broad and muscular. When viewed from the rear legs are straight, strong, 6c: t dewclaws. Paw - like forelimbs.
Coat. Wool is thick, tough, weatherproof, flat, consists of soft, dense, fluffy undercoat and coarse, straight top coat. Short and straight to the head, ears, front legs, longest on the neck, hips and lower part of the tail. Wool is not subjected to shearing, thinning or other artificial process. Whiskers can be cut. On the show ring is very important to present the dog in its natural state.
Color gray, preferably medium shade options determined by the length of black tips and a density of top coat. Undercoat pale silver, like the limbs, abdomen, back thighs and lower part of the tail. The main body of gray color is darkest on the saddle, lighter on chest, nape, and a characteristic band in the form of the harness (the band a long top coat from shoulder to elbow). The muzzle, ears and tail tip black. Black color on the face turns into a light gray on the forehead and skull.
Disadvantages: yellow or brown tints, white patches, indistinct or irregular markings, "black" at the bottom of the limbs and bright circles around the eyes.
ELIMINATING FAULTS: Any solid color other than gray, such as red, brown, black, Belgium or any other.
Movement of the ordinary for an energetic dog, from which you want speed and endurance. Trot step smooth and easy, the back remains straight. As the acceleration lynx front and rear legs close to the center line under the body so that feet are in the tracks. Front and rear legs balanced in the angular correlation and the development of muscles.
Summary. The Norwegian Elkhound is a family of northern dogs and has a square format and athletic. His unique color, weatherproof wool and even temper make Norwegian Elkhound ideal

Irish Wolfhound breed dog

Large Irish Wolfhound dog running in the park, hound dog, hunting dog
 Irish Wolfhound breed dog
Irish Wolfhound is breed of dog,Irish Wolfhound dog is the largest and most stalwart of all greyhounds, Irish Wolfhound is a coarse-wooled dog
In Irish literature of the past few references to these large dogs were called in different ways - "Irish dogs," the big dogs of Ireland "," Greyhound Ireland, Irish wolfhounds, "" the great greyhounds of Ireland. " Their modern name - Irish wolfhound.
This breed was known in Rome, the first significant mention of it relates to 391 N. er. when the Roman Consul Quintus Aurelius received as a gift seven of these dogs, in which "all Rome looked with amazement." During subsequent centuries the Irish wolfhound has inspired poets and writers. In 1790 it was written: "The Irish Greyhound - the largest of dogs and most beautiful. The growth of the wolfhound about 3 feet (91.5 cm), it somewhat resembles the Greyhound, but more massive. He has a good-natured kind and calm character, but his power is so great that in combat with the mastiff or bulldog he is far superior to them. "
In the next century, another author wrote about the Irish wolfhound: "This is a noble animal in mind like a greyhound, mastiff bigger, obedient as a spaniel."
His highly valued for hunting prowess, particularly in pursuit of the giant Irish elk, whose growth in the shoulder has reached 185 cm, and the wolf. With the disappearance of these animals in Ireland and as a result of too active export of thinning ranks of wolfhounds, this breed has been brought almost to extinction.
It was at this time, Captain George A. Graham, a Scot in the British army, gathered together the surviving dogs and restored the breed. His work began in 1862, and after 23 years under his leadership has produced the first breed standard. The aim of every honest breeder should be to comply with the requirements of this standard.
Irish Wolfhound - more coarse dog with shaggy eyebrows, her natural gait - gallop. Even today, when he was lying by the fire, playing on the lawn, jumps at a gallop across the field or along the coast, it is easy to imagine in the role he once played in the life of the feudal Middle Ages
Adult Irish Wolfhound hound dog in the wood, hunting dog, long-haired dog,
  Irish Wolfhound breed dog
Huge Irish Wolfhound breed dog in the wood
Given the enormous size of the Irish wolfhound and he needs to feel good much physical activity you need to think seriously before buying a dog. The perfect home for him so, where there is a spacious enclosed grounds, so the dog could run at a gallop, a natural for the Greyhound athletic. Historically, the dog bred and used for the rutting beast in sighted, long legs and back, deep chest, strong legs and sturdy body - all spoke about the historical heritage of the Irish wolfhound.
The ideal owner of this dog understands a gentle nature, hidden in a huge body, mind and values, reflected in how the dog reacts to everyday situations. For the Irish wolfhound is best when his daily life is built on communicating with the person. In adulthood, despite its impressive size, it is with quiet dignity and responsiveness is kept in the family, if it has not shown no rudeness. Irish Wolfhound - Dog impressionable, and inappropriate conditions hinder its proper development.
His character and temperament make him totally unfit for the function of a watchdog or a patrol dog in the countryside or in town. He was alert, but not suspicious, brave but not aggressive. Residents of cities and densely populated suburbs are often looking for dogs for protection. It happens that both spouses work and need a dog that would be from morning till night one is at home and protect it. Irish Wolfhound for this absolutely will not do. Intruders can be intimidating appearance, but the nature of the dog likely will play serenades, looking at the moon than to bark at suspicious noise and people. Keep the dog locked up a size - recklessness, and contain such conditions the puppy at all inconceivable. Puppy hood a wolfhound extends at least a year, and if you leave a puppy, he will break an hour everyone in the room while he is injured. Half-year-old puppy wolfhound weighs about 45 kg, he still has not fully erupted molars, and the functions of his body is not ready for a long stay locked up
Five Irish Wolfhounds relaxing in the park, hunting dogs, dogs, hounds, guard dogs, hunters, big dogs
  Irish Wolfhound breed dog
Five Male Irish Wolfhound dogs lying in the park under the trees
Sometimes, the Irish wolfhound is possible to grow and successfully contain less than ideal conditions, provided that the owner other than the desire is the will and endurance, to ensure her walking the dog needs a leash, taking into account the sidewalks, traffic, neighbors and pedestrians. Owners of giant breed dogs have to carry more hygienic and very burdensome duties.
For children Irish wolfhounds are treated with extreme kindness. However, common sense can not allow a small child playing with a young wolfhound: the child is not suitable company for a fun, playful pup weight from 22 to 45 kg, who tenderly loves the child, but his careless movement might cause him injury.
Wolfhounds should look natural - their ears and tail are not cropped. Scissors should not touch his coat, and no part of the dog's body, especially the head, should not look tonsured.
Irish nolkodany participate in dog shows across the country, although the bowl with all of those that are held outdoors, it is best suited to them. This breed uchastnust well in competitions of obedience and field trials, receiving prizes and awards.
In our time, the habitat of the majority of the Irish Wolfhound is a private house, which fit well with his quiet manners, gentle nature and sense of camaraderie. While hunting he is not engaged, we must never forget that this is his destiny, and the characteristic high-spirited and brisk gallop are delighted and leaves no doubt that the need for movement is inherent in him from birth
 Cute Irish Wolfhound puppy sleeping in the bed, cute baby dog, puppies, puppy
  Irish Wolfhound breed dog
Cute Irish Wolfhound baby dog sleeping on the bed
Irish wolfhound. Official Standard
Approved September 12, 1950 General view. With its huge size and impressive as the Irish Wolfhound is remarkable in that the power and agility combined with his keen eyesight. The largest and most stalwart of all moving at a gallop greyhounds, he is a coarse-wooled, similar to the Greyhound breed. This is a very muscular animal, strong and graceful, with light and vigorous movements with his head held high and lifted up the tail with a slight bend at the end. The minimum height of males should be 81 cm, weight 54.5 kg, females are 76 cm and 47.7 kg. This applies only to dogs over 18 months. If height and weight of a dog below these limits, it is not allowed to compete. Great size, including height at withers and proportional length of the hull, preferably in an average of 81 - 86 cm in males, emphasizing the strength, activity, courage and harmony of the composition.
The head is long, his forehead slightly convex, furrow between the eyes of a poorly articulated. Skull not too broad. Muzzle long and moderately pointed. Ears are small, with a staged, like a Greyhound.
Neck long, very strong and muscular, arched, without dewlap or hanging skin at the throat.
Chest very deep and broad.
The back is rather long than short. Loins arched.
The tail is long and slightly curved, moderately thick, covered with dense hair.
The abdomen is well tucked up.
Forequarters. Scapula muscular and sloping. Elbows sent back, turning neither in nor out. The forelegs are well muscled, strong and perfectly straight.
Hind limbs. Muscular thigh, shin long and strong, like Greyhound, hocks are low and turning neither in nor out.
Feet are not large, round, neither turning in nor out. Toes arched and tight. The nails are strong, rounded.
Wool is rough and tough on the body, legs and head, especially the hard and long over eyes and chin.
Color. Permissible colors: black, brindle, red, black, pure white, fawn (tan) or any other color, characteristic Deerhound.
Faults: Too light or heavy head, too high, round forehead. The ears are large and adjacent to the cheeks. Short neck, dewlap, too narrow or too broad chest, hollow or quite straight back, long, sloping pasterns too, Kozinets, mark, clubfoot, loose legs, tail in the ring, weak hind limbs, and underdeveloped muscles, shorter case. Lips or nose liver-colored or not fully

Greyhound breed dog

Sport Greyhound dogs running in chapionship on the track, houd dog, hunting dog, muscular dog
 Greyhound breed dog
Greyhound is breed of dog for hunting, it is a short-haired hound dog, dog for running, rescue dog, muscular dog. Greyhound is very intelligent and gorgeous dog.
Quick, like a ray of light, graceful as a swallow, wise as Solomon, - all this allows us to predict that the Greyhound as a breed will never die. His fame was first recorded in writing in the hot sands of Egypt, can be traced to various locations in almost every country on every continent of the globe.
This type of dog was known to the ancients, and from time immemorial it was a symbol of aristocracy. However, Greyhound - it's such a dog that does not need the fanfare to herald its approach, and do not need armor to rivet the eye of people. His innate qualities allow it to rotate in all circles, high and low.
The first information about the Greyhound have reached us from the tomb Amtena in the Nile Valley. Egyptologists believe that it belongs to the fourth dynasty, that is, in modern history to 2900-2751 years BC. er. Thread in this old tomb depicts three different episodes with the dogs, no doubt related to the type of Greyhound. In two of them they attack the deer, and the third - an animal with horns, somewhat resembling the American mountain goat. A dog's tail
Picture of Greyhound dog playing in the garden, Adult male Greyhound dog
  Greyhound breed dog
Male Greyhound dog in the garden
Put forward a lot of assumptions about the origin of the word "Greyhound". One of them is the name derives from the word «Graitus», which means "Greek", because this dog is very appreciated by the ancient Greeks. Another hypothesis associates the word with the old British grech or greg, meaning "dog." Some argue that it came into use, because once the predominant color of this rock was gray («grey» - «gray").
While in the old Egyptian pictures greyhound as a recognizable type exists with a very long time, the first full description of this species have survived from the Roman sources. It was written by Ovid, who lived from 1943 BC. er. in 1917 by. er. This description confirms that in ancient times, the dog looked just like today.
Greyhound has always moved in the aristocratic and cultural environment. He was a favorite of the rulers of Egypt, it was diluted and grown in a luxurious setting that oppress the people and the ordinary people of those times had every reason to hate this dog. However, the nature of this dog was just as nice and docile as they are today. If ordinary people were allowed to keep these dogs, the story would have gone the other way, but such a right they did not have.
Ancient traditions associated with the Greyhound came from the depths of history. This dog has existed in England from very early times. In one manuscript of X century AD. er. is an illustration depicting Elfrika, duke of Mercia, and next to the Saxon leader worth his hunter with a pack of greyhounds. It is not known for many centuries before Elfrika in England knew Greyhound, but there is every reason to believe that this breed has existed there for a long time
Greyhound dog relaxing outdoor, large Greyhound dog
  Greyhound breed dog
Large Greyhound dog lying outdoor in the park
Adopted at the meeting of Parliament at Winchester in 1016, the famous code of laws, written in Danish, because at that time the Danes have won a large part of modern Britain, confirms what position in society occupied the greyhound. Article 31-I of this body of law reads: A person of low type can not keep the greyhounds, but free citizens can keep greyhounds ... But if they come to the borders of the forest closer than 10 miles, they have to pay 12 pence for each mile, and if Greyhound would find in the forest, the owner or dog owner gives the dog and ten shillings to the king.
Greyhound breed dog
  Greyhound breed dog
With the Greyhounds to hunt small game and deer, foxes, etc., but by its very nature it is intended for the hare, and this dog for centuries seen as a greyhound. Hunting with hounds is held in England for two centuries.
Greyhound has appeared in America before 1776. Laurel Drew, who dealt with the history of this breed, find information on Greyhound, which was brought to this country (along with Mastiffs) Spanish explorers in the early 1500-ies in order to "protect, hunt, intimidate and punish their enemies - in this case Indians . In these data refers to the hunting prowess greyhounds, how they "went to the nearby forest and returned from there with hares and rabbits."
Greyhound breed dog
  Greyhound breed dog
Greyhound prominently in the diaries of English explorer George Cartwright, who made an expedition to Labrador in 1770. Baron Friedrich von Steuben, a German military professional who has helped to General Washington in the war for independence, has always walked, accompanied by a huge Greyhound named Azor
Two cute Greyhound puppies, male and female Greyhound puppies playing on the kitchen floor
  Greyhound breed dog
Cute Greyhound puppies playing in the kitchen
Of the many owners of greyhounds by one of the most famous in history was the general Jor i g A. Custer, who was particularly fond of the breed greyhounds - Greyhounds n deer hounds - and traveled with a pack, which was about 40 soblk. One book says that Custer's dogs competed in the race on the eve of his departure for the fatal expedition to the Big Horn River in 1876.
Greyhounds were among the first to take part in American dog shows. In the catalog of the first exhibition of the Westminster Kennel Club in 1877, made 18 greyhounds, while in the second edition of the AKC Studbook (for 1885) there were three males and five females.
In 1912, OP Smith invented the mechanical lure, and as a result of the 1920 race greyhounds have been held on the treadmill, which greatly boosted the interest in this breed. This interest continues today. Greyhound. Official Standard
The head is long and narrow, broad between the ears, the transition from forehead to muzzle poorly expressed, sinuses almost undeveloped, the muzzle long, strong but not coarse. Teeth strong, bite the line. The ears are small and subtle, laid back and folded when the dog is in an excited state, polustoyat on the cartilage. Dark eyes, sparkling, with intelligent expression

Borzoi hound dog

Five adult Borzoi dogs sitting in the park, Intelligent dogs
 Borzoi hound dog
Borzoi is a breed of dog, This Borzoi dog is  originally bred for baiting a wild animal, Borzoi dog is a Long-haired dog
Greyhound, until 1936 known in the U.S. as a Russian wolfhound, pursues and catches the beast with the help of sight, differing agility, dexterity and daring.
Today, these beautiful and intelligent dogs not only hunt in the field, but also adorn the living rooms of houses. Their story goes into the misty past of imperial Russia.
Russian aristocracy for hundreds of years bred these dogs. There is evidence, telling about the hunting expeditions to the Borzoi hound dog Mongolian ruler Genghis Khan's era, in which as the main hunting dogs are referred to larger greyhounds. In Russia, believed that the ancestors of the greyhound had several types of dogs, including long-haired dog with a smooth face, which in ancient Russia to hunt bears, dogs that are used in the south of the Tatars, "Ovcara" - a high Russian herding dogs, as well as other ancient types hunting dogs pursuers beast with the help of sight.Whatever the origin of the greyhound, in the records of the court of Grand Prince of Novgorod in 1260 is referred to as rabbit-baiting fun, and in 1650 was recorded first Borzoi standard (according to the testimony, it is not very different from the current standard).
Since the early Russian Tsars to the abolition of serfdom in 1861, hunting with hounds was the prerogative of the Russian aristocracy. Vast estates, stretching for thousands of acres, with hundreds of serfs were used for breeding and training greyhounds, and hunting with them.Today it is hard even to imagine that the scope and grandeur, which is the Borzoi hound dog successor to the noble hound. Prior to 1861, and to a lesser degree until the 1917 revolution, these dogs spent so much effort and money, as to any other breed. In hunting season, hunting was carried out near the main land or hunters traveled from one place to another in search of game
Three adult Borzoi dogs with their owner near the lake, large dog, brave dog, hound dog
Borzoi hound dog
Borzoi  dogs near to the lake with their owner
The monograph Roller on hunting in Pershin said that for the Borzoi hound dog transport of people, horses, dogs, tents, kitchen, crew, etc. to the site using a special hunt hunting train, consisting of 42 freight cars, including two carriages of the first and second classes , where the Prince and his guests were arriving by train the individual. In the hunt was attended by more than 100 greyhounds as much Foxhound and rangers. Horses were chosen specifically for hunting as a pack of hounds and the Foxhound. When the entire group was coming to the place where according to preliminary data there were wolves, plans, made preparations and started hunting. Beaters, accompanied by a pack of Foxhound chased the animal, usually a wolf from the forest into the open field, where they waited a respectful distance riding hunters, each with a triple greyhounds on a leash - one female and two males. When they showed the beast, the hunter took his dog with a leash. Greyhounds chased the wolf, and after they rode hunters. After an exciting chase, if the wolf could not escape, greyhounds should grab it and hold until the arrival of the hunters, who at full speed rushed to the site of the bout, according to the accepted custom to immediately engage in a fight, the wolf's mouth shut and tie it. After that, the Borzoi hound dog wolf is often released and, of course, the next time he conducted himself smarter and more cautious. Fascinating story of a hunt can be read from Tolstoy in his novel "War and Peace" (Book II, Part 4, Chapter 3).

Borzoi hound dog
 Borzoi hound dog
In the period from the Napoleonic Wars to the abolition of serfdom in 1861, appears to have been many experimental unrelated crosses. In 1873, only a few remaining hounds of the old type and the Imperial Society was formed to protect them and breeding. This society is of great interest to fans of modern greyhounds, because many of today's bloodlines greyhounds America, if not most, go back to the breeders who were members of that society. The most famous among them was the Grand Duke Nicholas, uncle of the king and commander of the Russian army. The Borzoi hound dog second most important was Artem Boldarev rich landowner. Led to these people members of the public looking for, bred and kept the old type of hound. And it is their hunting in Pershin and Vorontsovo obliged many of today's greyhounds of their heritage.As far as is known, first appeared in the American Greyhound - bitch named Elsie - was brought from England in 1889 by William Wade of Halton, Pennsylvania. This dog he bought from Freeman Lloyd. «The English Stockkeeper» describes it this way: "... the kind of nothing special, small, lightweight and cachectic, with a light bone structure, with a straight back, a twisted tail and sharp knees."
The first American who traveled to Russia and brought back the hounds (including two dogs, who were then the champions ACC), was Stedman Hanks, founded in 1890 Seacroft nursery in Massachusetts.
Beginning in 1903, Joseph Thomas (from the nursery Valley Farm) visited three times in Russia and brought the dogs, which was destined to play an important role in creating American bloodlines greyhound. Among them were brought dogs were greyhounds from kennels Pershin, belonged to Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich, and from the nursery Vorontsovo owned by Artem Boldarevu.
Modern greyhound remained almost unchanged compared to her Russian ancestors, both in appearance and in a calm, gentle nature and working qualities.
In the West, this dog is often used for harassment, which is becoming increasingly popular in many states. Mind and ability to learn have enabled many greyhounds get prizes for obedience. Despite the fact that the Borzoi hound dog main purpose of a greyhound - hunting, its beauty and temperament has always been highly valued. She was always elegant companion and decoration of interior.
Today, this noble breed easily finds its way to the heart of his master, and although for now the hounds are not the conditions in tsarist Russia, they remain true aristocrats

Picture of Borzoi dog on the beach, Borzoi dog near to the ocean, Borzoi  dog with his owner
 Borzoi hound dog
Greyhound. Official Standard
Approved June 13, 1972
General view. Borzoi was originally bred for baiting a wild animal on a more or less open terrain, using sight rather than scent. To this Borzoi hound dog end greyhound required special structure that allows to catch up, grab and hold their prey. Particular attention was paid to the unit movement, strong neck and powerful jaws, courage and agility, combined with the right addition.
Borzoi inherent elegance, smooth lines, elegance in motion or standing.
Males masculine but not coarse, bitches feminine and refined.
Head. Skull slightly domed, long and narrow, with just a transition from forehead to muzzle, bridge of the nose may be a mild hump. Jaws long, strong and deep, somewhat finer in bitches but not pointed. Teeth are strong, incisors are located in a line, straight or scissor bite.
Nose is big and black. The Borzoi hound dog ears are small and delicate to the touch, at rest held tightly to the neck, the tips of his ears, drawn back, almost converge at the back, when the dog guards, their ears go up.
Eyes oblique, dark color. Expression of the eyes smart and gentle.
Eyelid dark, inner corner of eye is located in the middle of the distance from nose to occiput.
Faults: Round, protruding or light eyes, edentate.
The neck is dry, without folds, slightly arched, muscular, set high.
Scapula oblique, Withers expressed, but not loaded.
Chest rather narrow and deep. The edges are slightly convex, very deep, large chest for the heart and lungs.
Spin smoothly up to the graceful bend of the waist. The loin is strong and muscular. The abdomen is well matched by a deep chest, short back and short ribs hesitant.
Forelimbs. The bones are straight and somewhat flattened, as the blade, the narrow side forward. The elbows move freely, turning neither in nor out. Pasterns strong.
Paws "hare", arched, fingers clenched into a ball, with strong padded
Borzoi dog, hair styling for dogs, dogs, dog, hound dog, hunting dog
 Borzoi hound dog
Borzoi  on hair dresser
Hindquarters Long, very muscular and powerful, with a pronounced angle of the knee joints; placed slightly wider front. Femur and tibia strong Borzoi hound dog, hocks and expressed low omitted. When viewed from the rear limbs are parallel to each other.Dewclaws on the hind limbs removed, the fifth fingers on the front - you can remove it. The tail is long, planted and kept low, in a beautiful bend.Coat. Coat Long, silky (not rough), wavy or rather curly. On the head, ears and front legs the hair is short and tight, the neck very thick and curly "frill." The Borzoi hound dog hair on the thighs and the tail is long and thick on the chest and back of the front legs not so long.Color. Any color or combination of colors.Growth. The height of adult males at the withers should be not less than 71 cm and bitches - no less than 66 cmHeight above these values are permitted if stored harmonious composition, agility and endurance.Faults: Height at withers below specified in the standard.Weight of males on average 34 - 48 kg in females at 7 - 9 kg less.Movement. Forelimbs with a strong and elastic pastern be submitted far in advance.
While the hind legs raised broader front, the fast trotting feet closer to the center line. When viewed from the side swept a good push and a long, creeping step, starting from the well-bent knees and hocks. Movement must be the Borzoi hound dog embodiment of power, but without effort, endurance, speed, agility, smoothness and elegance.
Flaws: mincing, Zapletal, as well as traffic from intersecting each other with their paws.
Vices and weaknessesAny deviation from the specified standard shall be considered a disadvantage, materiality depends on the severity of this deviation

Bloodhound dog

Bloodhound dog
Bloodhound dog
Bloodhound breed dog is intelligent, Bloodhound dog begin to pursue prey by smell, Bloodhound dog is a hunter.
When Claudius Aelian wrote in the III century AD. er. his famous book, «Historia Animalium», he mentioned the special warmth breed of hounds, which had no equal on instinct, and which had such a persistent search that does not cast a wake up until it finds the beast. Thus, the Roman scholar of ancient times painted a portrait of a dog, now known as Bloodhound.
Today it looks a little different, but it retained its unusual ability to walk on the trail, even with the slight smell.
How far into the past is rooted Bloodhound is unknown, but many experts believe that the breed was known in the Mediterranean long before our era. Bloodhound called modern of the oldest types of hounds, though time has changed its appearance compared to those dogs, which extolled the ancients.
In Europe, Bloodhound, was brought from Constantinople long before the Crusades. In color, they were divided into black and white. Black were the famous San governor VIII century, and white later became known as the southern hounds. In England imported dog black dog.

Bloodhound dogTwo gorgeous  Bloodhound dogs- female and male sitting
Bloodhound played a big role in the development of other breeds of dogs such as beagles and hounds.
In the XII century, when even the bishops were hunted on horseback with hounds, the higher clergy who have facilitated the development of the Bloodhound. Many priests kept a pack of hounds, kennels and has been an integral part of every monastery. It is they who largely is credited with saving the breed pure. Breeding of these dogs was carried out with such care that they were called «blooded hound», that is purebred or aristocratic hound.
Several centuries later, the famous English physician and dog lover Dr. Johannes Caius gave a different explanation for the title and provided a description of the breed. Here it is: "... It remains to mention the larger class, these dogs too pendulous lips and ears, and is well known that they are pursuing their prey on the blood trail, sensing the smell of blood. If the game had been wounded and left hands of the hunter, or if it is taken from the workload is killed (in both cases was shed much blood), these hounds immediately begin to pursue prey by smell. Precisely because they rightly called Sanguinaraii (blood)
Picture of Bloodhound dogs looking at something in the forest
Bloodhound hunter dog is known for a century.
However, it often happens that some animal thieves stole and thus act prudently to avoid bloodshed, but the dogs are so smart that even in this case, go on a dry human trace a great distance and can provide the right person in the crowd, no matter what big it was. Forced his way through dense thickets, they continue to prosecute, even when they have to cross the river, and clicking on the other side, they begin to circle again to take the trace. Thus, they complement the skill and perseverance deserve what they said about Elian in his History of Animals.
Although the modern type was formed in England, the merit in its formation belongs to the United States. In America, the breed is known for a century.
Abolitionists once drew harrowing images, in which fugitive slaves pursued the Bloodhound, but hardly for this purpose are actually used dogs of this breed, although at that time in the south there were quite a lot. Bloodhound often called mongrel dogs, and most likely they terrifying the slaves.
Purebred Bloodhound - one of the most docile breeds. In pursuit of Bloodhound more motivated sporting interest than anything else. Unlike the police dog, he never attacks on a man who tracks down. Once Bloodhound brought rut until the end, in this his problem ends. But he so accurately recognize implies that this is proof to the court. Some of the famous American Bloodhound found more criminals
What are the best detectives. On account of one male was found over six hundred criminals. The famous dog Nick Carter took the trail, which was one hundred five hours, and as a result of the offender was apprehended. This record set in the early 1900's, is now exceeded by more than half.
Dog owners have proved that the Bloodhound can be both a champion of the show, and bloodhound
Picture of six  Bloodhound police dogs ready for mission
Bloodhound breed dog is fast, strong and rescue dog.
Members of the National Association of "Police Bloodhound" together with volunteers from the search rescue clubs across the country are increasingly using the Bloodhound in its traditional work. Endurance and tenacity of this species are confirmed by the vast distances that have dog runs, so some dogs chased a man for over 80 kilometers, and one dog led detectives 220 kilometers, detaining the offender.
As for obedience, the Bloodhound quickly learn the necessary, but can be stubborn, if not enjoy it.
In recent years, an increasing number of Bloodhound receive the title of "Companion Dog", and several dogs have titles COX and UD.
In the United States Bloodhound exhibited from the first dog shows. American Bloodhound Club, a national organization of breed, gave fans the opportunity to hold specialized exhibitions from East to West.
Bloodhound. Official Standard
General view. Bloodhound possesses all the qualities gregarious dogs that prey instinct. He is stronger and more enduring than other hounds.
The skin is thin and extremely loose, especially on the head and neck, where it dangles deep folds
Young male Bloodhound dog in hunt position
Young Bloodhound dog is extremely friendly and sensitive dog.
Growth. Height: Males - 64 - 68 cm, females - 59 - 63 cm, on average males - 66 cm, females - 61 cm
Preferable to higher growth, coupled with a harmonious addition. Wt. Average weight: Males - 41 kg, females - 36 kg.
Males reach a weight of 50 kg, females - 45 kg. Greater weight is preferable, if (as in the case of growth) the dog is harmoniously composed.
Overall impression. It is a noble, dignified dog. It gives the impression of a powerful, strong and wiser.
Temperament. The dog is extremely friendly and affectionate, peaceable with owners and other dogs. By nature it is somewhat shy and sensitive to the good will or punishment.
 Bloodhound dog
 Bloodhound dog
Head long and narrow, slightly narrowed from the temples by the end of the muzzle. When viewed from above and front looks uniformly flattened laterally. The profile of the skull and muzzle are parallel. Length of muzzle equal to length of skull. Head length from occiput to nose should be at least 30.5 cm in males and not less than 28 cm in females. The Bloodhound dog skull is long and narrow, with a pronounced occipital protuberance. Brow ridges are not pronounced, although because of the deep-set eyes can be created that impression. Muzzle long, deep, of equal width along the entire length, square in profile. Deep-set eyes, a cut eye in the diamond-shaped because the lower eyelid pendulous - drawn down and slightly turned out. Eye color - to match coat color, different shades: from dark brown to yellow. Walnut color is preferred, although it rarely occurs in the red-tan dogs. Ears are thin and soft to the touch, extremely long, very low-set, falls pretty pleats at the bottom of a little wrapped inside and posteriorly. The folds of the skin: the head is covered with loose skin, which seems excessive. When a dog hangs his head low, the skin folds hanging free, especially the forehead and sides of the head. Nostrils large and wide-open. Lips. The Bloodhound dog upper lip forms a right angle from the front with the back of the nose, while the back forms a deep hanging Bryl, and continuing further into the folds of loose skin at the neck, form a pronounced dewlap. Females less raw.
 Bloodhound dog
 Bloodhound dog
Neck, shoulders and chest. Neck long, blade-muscled, oblique, convex edges, chest deep, the front forms a deep keel.Limbs and feet. The Bloodhound dog forelegs are straight, with a massive bone, elbows close to the body, pasterns vertical, strong, powerful legs and arched, hips and legs muscled, the angle of the hock joint well defined. Hocks low omitted. Hocks straight and parallel to each other.
Back and loin. The Bloodhound dog back is strong and straight, the loin strong, deep and slightly arched.
Tail long, tapering, set on rather high, with longer and dense hair on the lower surface.
Elastic motion, wide and free, while the tail is held high, but not throws on his back.
Black and tan, red and tan and fawn (reddish brown), the darker color may have blotches lighter hair or badger hair color, sometimes of white hair. A small amount of white on the chest, legs and tail tip

Beagle dog

Male and female beagle puppies in action
 Beagle dog
Beagle breed dog is a a progenitor of all the hunting dogs.
Origin of the beagle and mysteriously lost in the mists of time. Several well-known beagle lovers offered their version of the origin of this breed, so the following notes owned by Captain Otho Paget from Melton Mowbray, England, which is probably one of the first carried away by them. According to Greek historian xenon nofontu, there were hounds, working on the trail, and the Romans adopted many customs of ancient Greece. In England before the arrival of the Romans already had their own hounds, and it is recorded that Pvill, Prince of Wales, a contemporary of King Arthur, had a special breed of superb white hounds. Fans Retriever, setters, spaniels and other breeds argue that creating a hound used these dogs. It seems unlikely, apparently it's actually happened vice versa. Beagle was a progenitor of all the hunting dogs, and two clearly differing breeds were "Haze", or a greyhound, who hunted only by means of view, and Bloodhound, which relied solely on instinct.
Beagle dog
 Beagle dog
In the days of Queen Bess, almost every English gentleman had in his pack of hounds in any type of hunting for prey. Fox at that time game was not considered. Apparently, while the hounds divided into two classes - large and small. Large termed "bakhaundy" with them to hunt deer, and those that smaller - "Beagle" - from the French Beagle dog, for hunting hare.
Beagle dog
 Beagle dog
By the middle of the XVIII century fox hunting was acquiring popularity among young people, preferring the thrill, not watching to see how the hounds hare untangle the loop. Undoubtedly, the Foxhound (fox hound) arose from crosses bakhaunda and beagle. By this time, at the whim of the Beagle dog breeders, there are two types of hounds to hunt the hare: one - the southern hound ", and another - the" northern beagle. The Beagle dog first was slow and cumbersome, while the second was his complete opposite. According to the author at the time, "North beagle was agile and energetic, and does its work so zealously that he Iiuy1 would have remained happy with it.
In the middle of the XIX century Parson Honeywood assembled an experienced pack, demonstrating a mastery of the dogs in Essex. His gang was the basis of the modern beagle, so almost every well-known kennels are the descendants of these dogs. Beagle is one of the oldest breeds in history and, along with the Bloodhound, and possibly otterhaundom is closest to the origins of the appearance of the hounds
Picture of seven cute beagle puppies, playing in the garden
 Beagle dog
Beagle breed dogs are hunters,  beagles are fast run, beagle dogs hunt separately.
Up to about 1870 in the United States are small hunting hounds Southern states, which was then called Beagle, more like pryamonogih basset or had lighter head, like a taxi, and were white color with a small amount of dark spots. They were very agile, tireless hunters full of vigorous energy, fast cornering, but it looks ugly. Those Beagle dog, which in 1860 brought into the country from Gen. Richard Rouett Karlinsvillya, Illinois, became a turning point in the history of American-style beagle. They have improved the exterior of which thought little ones who until then was hunting with beagles. From what leash in England, General Rouett received his hounds, remains unknown.
Around 1880, Mr. Arnold of Providence, Rhode Island, brought a pack of beagles from Northern England, which had a huge impact on American beagles. In 1896, James L. Kerr Noha brought from England pack, which gave a lot of top-notch hounds.
In 1888 was founded the National Club Beagle, which carried out the first field tests. Since that time, throughout the United States were quick to organize field trials, which were awarded points, and many clubs were allowed to conduct informal tests. Leash, stand in single classes for hounds in height from 33 to 38 cm and in classes for hounds below 33 cm, and in the national tests - and in a class pack. There Beagle dog are single class for young hounds, called "Derby" and the classes of all ages without regard to growth. At the national trials in addition to these there are four classes of single-class pack, which will compete separately, as is done in a single class, with a score.
In addition to the exhibition of all breeds, through the American Kennel Club, hunting clubs hold specialized exhibitions in field trials and on breeds of hounds.
Those who are interested in hunting with beagles in the pack, usually experience the pleasure of hunting larger birds with one stone than a wire-haired American rabbits. Rabbits are not hiding in holes and do not spoil the hunt, thus, making a much more long, straight and fast run. Hare, lives in the northern marshes - an excellent facility for hunting with a pack, but does not survive in other areas.
In the United States there are thousands of hunters who keep a few beagles and use them to hunt separately. In addition, there are many leash, registered in the National Club "Beagle." They hunted in the prescribed manner, with the permanent rangers in hunting livery, with special collars distinctive color and
etc. The restriction on height for beagle in the United States is 38 cm, and in England - 40.5 cm Canes higher growth are not allowed on field trials or exhibition Beagle dog.
Meek brown eyes beagle give him a good character, but they are not always visible to a delightful courage and fortitude. These qualities are especially important when it works in the field, but also in the house you can not find a more affectionate and loyal friend than a beagle
Beagle puppies playing with the snow
 Beagle dog
Beagle dogs has straight narrow waist and flat ribs.
Beagle. Official Standard
Approved September 10, 1957
Head. The Beagle dog skull is long and slightly arched, broad and extensive. Ears are planted relatively low, long, stretched forward, they got almost to the tip of the nose, thin to the touch, rather wide, hanging close to head, front margin slightly expanded to the cheek, the tips are rounded. Eyes large, widely spaced, with a meek and mild typical hound and inquiring expression, brown or hazel color. Muzzle medium length, straight and square, the transition from forehead to muzzle moderately expressed. Bite the line. Lips, nostrils wide and open.
Flaws: very flat, narrow, domed skull, small eyes, wedge-shaped, pointed (terernaya) or very short muzzle, unfilled or convex under the eyes, hollow, or turned up, a long snout, a Roman nose. Ears short, set high, raised on the cartilage.
Corpus. The Beagle dog neck is set high, strong and sturdy, although not too massive, of medium length. Dry, but allowed a small symmetrical folds under the jaw.
Flaws: a thick, short, loose, low-set neck; suspension.
Shoulders and chest. Scapula oblique, flat muscle - their constitution says about freedom of action, activity and strength. Chest deep and broad, but not enough to prevent the free movement of the shoulders.
Flaws: steep, sharp blades, too large or small breasts.
Back, loin and ribs. Back short, muscular and strong. Loins broad and slightly arched, the ribs prominent, forming the bulk chest.
Flaws: very long, sway or roach back. Straight, narrow waist. Flat ribs
Male Beagle puppy sitting in the park
Beagle dog
Beagle breed dog is strong and friendly dog.
The front legs and paws. The Beagle dog forelegs are straight, with a massive bone structure, corresponding to the size of the dog. Pasterns short and straight. Feet well arched, round and firm. Pads thick and tough.
Flaws: elbows turned outwards. Soft, sloping pasterns or Kozinets. Curved like a dachshund or forelimbs. Long, loose, flat feet.
Hind legs and feet. Thighs strong and muscular. The angles of the knee expressed. Hocks strong, with angulated. Feet arched and strong.
Beagle dog
Beagle dog breed
Faults: Cow or direct of limbs. Underdeveloped musculature. Splayed feet.
Tail. Set on medium high, straight up, but not over back. Saber, short, covered with dense hair.
Faults: Long, "squirrel" or brushed over the back tail. "Rat" tail (hairless).
Coat. Tight-fitting, hard, medium length, typical of the hound coat.
Faults: short, sparse or soft coat Beagle dog.
Color any typical hound.
General view. Miniature Foxhound, solid and powerful for its size, with a view of tireless hound, which has pursued the animal until the end