Vizsla dog
Vizsla breed dog is a hunting dog, Vizsla dog is fast and careful dog, Vizsla dog has a magnificent scent, Vizsla dog combines the quality of a gun-dog and retriever.
The origin of vyzhly, or Hungarian setter, hidden from us for centuries have passed, but it can be assumed that the ancestors of this dog came to Central Europe with Magyar tribes that settled in the territory of modern Hungary. One of the petroglyphs X century depicts the Magyar hunter with a falcon and a dog-like vyzhlu. In a hand-written code of laws of the XIV century there is a chapter on falconry, with an illustration of a dog, which to a greater or lesser degree of certainty can be considered vyzhlu. It is obvious that this breed was popular among the rulers and the military aristocracy, who intentionally or accidentally to preserve the purity of the breed. Saving vyzhly since ancient times because of its innate quality of hunting evolved and established themselves in conditions in which this breed has lived at the outset, namely, on the plains of Hungary, where the summer was hot and long, and winter - not too harsh. Partridges, hares and other game were performed in the set. Among this wealth was bound to appear a hunting dog, corresponding to climatic conditions and types of hunting.
The local hunters needed a dog fast and careful, which has a magnificent scent, which combines the quality of a gun-dog and retriever. And the dog Hungarian hunters received

Vizsla dog
Vizsla dog is a strong and hardy hunter, Vizsla dog has graceful movements.
Two world wars have affected the breeding of the breed. By the end of World War I stock vyzhly there are virtually no it has not disappeared just because of the efforts of enthusiasts. Hungarians who had fled before the Russian army in Austria, Italy and Germany, brought with them their dogs, some of which remained in Czechoslovakia, Turkey and southern Russia.
Vyzhlu started to deliver in the U.S. in 1950 and registered in the American Kennel Club in 1960. It has established itself as a strong and hardy hunter, as well as kind and friendly pet dogs. Poynter on the type, Vizsla - a dog of a large and aristocratic appearance: short hair, a nice reddish-golden color, a massive addition and at the same time elegant, harmoniously built, with light, free and graceful movements. This versatile hunter on the field bird and hare can not succeed on the pitch waterfowl

Vizsla dog
Vizsla puppies are friendly and playful dogs, Vizsla dog has nice reddish-brown color.
Vizsla. Official Standard
Approved April 12, 1983
General view. Short-haired hunting dog of medium size, representative and aristocratic appearance. Sturdy and strong but not heavy, solid color, a nice reddish-brown. The paper is hardy and fast dog, but at home - an obedient and loving. It should immediately be emphasized that changes of coat and honorable scars received while working in the field, as well as the strong, sinewy muscle indicate that it is - a working hunting dog, and in any case are not considered flaws. Quality, indicating that the dog is exposed and is still working should be encouraged, not condemned.
My head is dry and muscular. Skull moderately wide between ears, with the notch on the forehead. The transition from forehead to muzzle smooth. Muzzle in profile along the length equal to or slightly shorter than the skull, and gradually tapers from the transition from the forehead to the muzzle to the nose. Muzzle square and deep. Nose not turned up and downy. Nostrils wide open. Nose brown. Thin, silky, proportional to the length of the ears with rounded ends, set fairly low, tightly adhering to the head. Jaws strong, teeth are white, scissor bite. Eyes of medium size, not prominent, not sunken, her eyelids cover proteins. The color of the iris in tone color. Eyelids tightly cover your eyes, they are not tucked and not twisted, because otherwise fallen into the eyes of dust and seeds of plants irritate the cornea. Lips not pendulous and free, and completely cover the jaw.
Vices: not brown nose. Yellow or any other color of eyes, exophthalmia.
ELIMINATING FAULTS: totally black nose.
The neck and body. Neck strong, smooth lines, muscular, medium length, arched and without suspension, harmoniously expands and turns into a moderately sloping shoulders. This quality is necessary, as should maintain a balance with the hindquarters, the angles of articulation which are expressed in moderation. Housing is strong and sturdy. Back short. Withers high and the topline is slightly sloping. Chest moderately broad and deep (up to the elbows). Ribs fairly prominent, slightly picked up the groin. Tail Set on slightly below the topline, tapering to and docked at two thirds the original length. Ideally, it should reach to the back of the knee joint, the dog must carry it flat or slightly above or below.
Flaws: Undocked

Vizsla dog
Nice reddish-brown Vizsla puppies playing at home, Vizsla dog is a muscular dog, Vizsla dog is born to be a hunter dog.
Forequarters. Vanes proportionally long and broad,
moderately sloping. Forearms straight and muscular, elbows close to the
body. Feet round cat-like, compact with tightly clenched fingers.
Claws brown and short. The pads are thick and dense. Feet point
straight ahead. The dewclaws, if any, are removed and front and rear
Flaws: bunny paws. Hindquarters. Hindquarters well developed thighs and moderately angulated stifles and hocks in balance with sloping shoulders. When viewed from the rear limbs straight. Metatarsus slightly inclined, and parallel to each other.
Flaws: bowed (too much angle hock), straight hocks.
Coat Short, smooth, thick, tight, no undercoat.
Colour golden of various shades of rusty.
Allowed: small white spot on chest, some white hairs on his fingers, age graying hair.
Vices: the color of dark mahogany red and pale yellow.
Serious faults: any expression of black in the coat.
ELIMINATING FAULTS: large patches on the chest, and any markings are white on the other parts of the body. White spots on the feet.

Vizsla dog
Motion light, graceful, smooth, with good reach limbs. On a fast trot harmoniously combined dog must keep one set of footprints (footprints).
Growth. Height: Males - 56 - 61 cm, females - 53 - 58.5 cm
ELIMINATING FAULTS: deviations from the specified standard by more than 3.5 cm, as vyzhla - a dog of medium size.
Temperament. Vyzhla - a born hunter with great flair and well-trained. Lively, sweet-tempered, affectionate and sensitive, and at the same time, fearless, with a resistant protection instinct.
Vices: cowardice, timidity and nervousness.
Black nose.
Large white patches on the chest, and any white markings on other parts of the body, white spots on the feet.
Height: Males - 64.5 cm above or below 52.5 cm, females - 62 cm above and below 49.5 cm
Flaws: bunny paws. Hindquarters. Hindquarters well developed thighs and moderately angulated stifles and hocks in balance with sloping shoulders. When viewed from the rear limbs straight. Metatarsus slightly inclined, and parallel to each other.
Flaws: bowed (too much angle hock), straight hocks.
Coat Short, smooth, thick, tight, no undercoat.
Colour golden of various shades of rusty.
Allowed: small white spot on chest, some white hairs on his fingers, age graying hair.
Vices: the color of dark mahogany red and pale yellow.
Serious faults: any expression of black in the coat.
ELIMINATING FAULTS: large patches on the chest, and any markings are white on the other parts of the body. White spots on the feet.

Vizsla dog
Motion light, graceful, smooth, with good reach limbs. On a fast trot harmoniously combined dog must keep one set of footprints (footprints).
Growth. Height: Males - 56 - 61 cm, females - 53 - 58.5 cm
ELIMINATING FAULTS: deviations from the specified standard by more than 3.5 cm, as vyzhla - a dog of medium size.
Temperament. Vyzhla - a born hunter with great flair and well-trained. Lively, sweet-tempered, affectionate and sensitive, and at the same time, fearless, with a resistant protection instinct.
Vices: cowardice, timidity and nervousness.
Black nose.
Large white patches on the chest, and any white markings on other parts of the body, white spots on the feet.
Height: Males - 64.5 cm above or below 52.5 cm, females - 62 cm above and below 49.5 cm
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